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Wader/Shorebird ID (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
The attached pic was taken at Merritt Island,Florida today and I would be grateful for any ID pointers to compare with my opinion.


  • DSCN1103bf.JPG
    68.1 KB · Views: 312
From the short bill I thought it was actually going to be a tattler, but the underparts seem to rule that out. It's a dowitcher, but doesn't look nearly snipe-like enough for Long-billed, so I suppose it's got to be a Short-billed? Only an uneducated guess from the wrong side of the pond.

My uneducated guess would be a short-billed dowitcher, too. Wandering tattler is out since it doesn't occur on the east coast. Only problem I have with dowitcher is the color of the bill -- shouldn't it be more bi-colored than this if still in winter plumage? Only other bird that comes close is a lesser yellowlegs but I think its bill is much finer than this guy's, and we can't tell how long this bird's legs are. Sorry, Grousey, I'm no help at all, and I'm from... another pond altogether! :)
I maybe talking nonsense (not the first time) but I thought this looked like a Stilt Sandpiper. Is that bill really long enough for a Dowitcher? It's only slightly longer than the head. Might be a little bit straight for a Stilt but it surely is more like a Stilt than a Dowitcher.
If you look very carefully, the bill is open just a tiny bit, but enough to make it look a lot more thicker than it probably is.

I'm still with Stilt Sand.
Am I allowed to change my mind? I also think it's a Stilt Sandpiper now.
That'll teach me not to jump to snap judgements!

Bluetail said:
Darn - I never even thought of Stilt Sand. Just shows how dangerous preconceptions can be.

I would not say they're dangerous. Preconceptions are based on experience. -Now we are just waiting for the yankees to wake up & tell what this wader is :bounce:
I agree with Charles. Don't think it's a stilt sandpiper, but a dowitcher. Stilt sandpipers indeed have clearly downcurved bills (I did have to double check some photographic evidence though), and the birds in the picture have very straight bills. given that the bill does look very short on these ones i would wager short billed dowitcher.
Surely a Dowitcher would have a considerably longer, greenish bill and look fatter.

I'm still firmly with Stilt Sand.

Either that or a dodgy Greenshank.
tom mckinney said:
Surely a Dowitcher would have a considerably longer, greenish bill

There's a lot of variation in the bill length of dowitchers, but I agree that it looks VERY (too?) short on the front bird. You are right about the bill color, looks black and not greenish. i checked some more photographs on Stilt sandpiper, and the downcurve of the bill isn't always that distinct ,depending on the angle the bird was photographed, and someone did note that the bill is slightly open.
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