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Yorkshire Birding (13 Viewers)

Hi zing, welcome to BF. Nice photos. That last one has got me a bit baffled. Is there any open water at Bubwith or anywhere in the LDV at present?
Hi zing, welcome to BF. Nice photos. That last one has got me a bit baffled. Is there any open water at Bubwith or anywhere in the LDV at present?

thanks for the kind comments i am very much a beginner and will be looking for guidance from all you experts out there.have been following you all for the last couple of months, and have now taken the plunge.

Bubwith water levels are high but very frozen all the shots were taken on Monday in trees to the left of the bridge.

Bubwith Birder
thanks for the kind comments i am very much a beginner and will be looking for guidance from all you experts out there.have been following you all for the last couple of months, and have now taken the plunge.

Bubwith water levels are high but very frozen all the shots were taken on Monday in trees to the left of the bridge.

Bubwith Birder

If by Monday you mean the 20th I am amazed there was any open water (unless the birds are keeping open by their presence). The plan is (was) for a Tyke meet on the 27th weather permitting. You would be more than welcome to come along (see here).
If by Monday you mean the 20th I am amazed there was any open water (unless the birds are keeping open by their presence). The plan is (was) for a Tyke meet on the 27th weather permitting. You would be more than welcome to come along (see here).

sorry, i was not clear the first shot was from the flood bank lots of open water derwent well in flood, other shots were taken yesterday lunchtime,the last one i think is a Redwing which i startled and captured as he left the tree.

went back today derwent now very badly frozen some open water, all the water in front of the hides frozen solid.

had a good two days all be it brief, whooper and mutes plenty of grey lags, widgeon and canadas and lots of what looked like white farmyard geese on the water. plenty of coots and teal also Redwing (50+) Fieldfare (100+) also spotted woodcock, and three bullfinches (sadly no pics) also what looked like lots of Sanderling (will need someone to confirm) Bubwith Birder
sorry, i was not clear the first shot was from the flood bank lots of open water derwent well in flood, other shots were taken yesterday lunchtime,the last one i think is a Redwing which i startled and captured as he left the tree.

went back today derwent now very badly frozen some open water, all the water in front of the hides frozen solid.

had a good two days all be it brief, whooper and mutes plenty of grey lags, widgeon and canadas and lots of what looked like white farmyard geese on the water. plenty of coots and teal also Redwing (50+) Fieldfare (100+) also spotted woodcock, and three bullfinches (sadly no pics) also what looked like lots of Sanderling (will need someone to confirm) Bubwith Birder

Hi Zing,

I think the birds you thought were Sanderling will most likely be Golden Plover.

advice on redwings please

hi all i havent posted on here for ages although i check this forum out everyday...i live in south kirkby and on my way to work the last 2 mornings i have spotted 4 redwings sat in the exact same spot on both..it is in a dodgy spot for pedestrians on a tight junction with no pavement...just wanted to ask how flighty are these beautiful birds because without getting my self run over or shot by the farmer for trespassing i would be very close and personal..hoping to try for a good photo oppurtunity too
Can't compete with Jim!!

but hopefully no one minds the pics coming..especially at this time of year! Few of mine from redhouse today..meally yes..still no arctic!! Aaaarrggghhhhh!


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finally nailed the nuthatch??

when i say nailed i mean got a shot or two that i am happy with ..over the last few months i have taken many hundreds of photos of this bird and left myself with these 5


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There's some gorgeous lighting out at the moment, so make the most of it. Went out at -10° o'clock to get some really early light. Been thinking of this shot since the really cold snap last winter, really wanted a smew but there you go. Ice and mist.

That's the best yet, Jim. Absolutely beautiful.

3 Woodcock feeding in our garden since this morn, a pic of one of them
Tree Sparrow flocks?


Just wondering if anyone coming across any big TS flocks in this weather?

My own take on this judging from the emails I get at treesparrows.com is that birds are much more reliant on garden feeders now and consequently the population is fragmented and large flocks rarely happen, despite there being some attempt by conservation /farming bodies to provide unharvested crops etc. This also leads to small garden colonies where they take up nestboxes. All very good for the birds of course.

Any feedback would be of interest, and any sightings here
Well finally broke the waxwing duck! Came across a flock in a car park in Bingley - of course I didn't have my camera with me, so mad rush back home, got the camera, back to the car park . . . and the beggars had sodded off! Was I gutted. But chose to hang around for a while and was delighted when the flock of around 20 returned and I managed to get a few shots.


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Just wondering if anyone coming across any big TS flocks in this weather?

My own take on this judging from the emails I get at treesparrows.com is that birds are much more reliant on garden feeders now and consequently the population is fragmented and large flocks rarely happen, despite there being some attempt by conservation /farming bodies to provide unharvested crops etc. This also leads to small garden colonies where they take up nestboxes. All very good for the birds of course.

Any feedback would be of interest, and any sightings here

My parents live on Martongate, Bridlington, and have a resident flock around their feeders at all times of the year. Not sure if numbers have increased over the winter or not, although 4 years ago there were no Tree Sparrows about at all.
Well finally broke the waxwing duck! Came across a flock in a car park in Bingley - of course I didn't have my camera with me, so mad rush back home, got the camera, back to the car park . . . and the beggars had sodded off! Was I gutted. But chose to hang around for a while and was delighted when the flock of around 20 returned and I managed to get a few shots.

Nice photos Tom.

I managed to see a solitary waxwing a few weeks ago but have otherwise missed out on the current influx.

Whereabouts in Bingley did you see these, I might go down tomorrow?


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