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Hybird Black-eared Wheatear? (2 Viewers)


This male wheatear was photographed in Extremadura, Spain, earlier this month.

Whilst hybirds between Pied and Black-eared Wheatears are well recorded, I personally know little, and can find little, about hybridisation with other wheatears, especially Northern Wheatear. Can anyone provide any pointers?

Or, does anyone else have an explaination we've missed for this bird's plumage? I know first-winter male melanoleuca can have a grey mantle, but a spring male presumed hispanica??

Cheers, BT


  • Wheatear.JPG
    28.2 KB · Views: 117
Morning all, thanks thanks for the replies Gents.

Yes, I agree, we'd had it down as a first-summer male. Jan, thanks for providing the link in English, but for some reason I can't seem to open this; any chance you could PM me a download? I'm struggling with the Spanish...

Motmot (Andy is it, or is my memory playing tricks?) - have you seen birds like this before in Spain? Delayed moult does make sense, though I though the mantle on a 1st-winter male hispanica was more mottled, less 'smooth' than this. Can see the logic in your theory; I was wondering if you'd seen it before?

Cheers, BT
Well Bob, the link provided by Eduardo should work I hope.


Yes, I can see the Spainsh version, which I unfortunately can't read. None of the photos show a first-summer male with a grey mantle. Therefore I'd like to read the text, for which I need the English version.... Any clues to a working link for this?
Yes, I can see the Spainsh version, which I unfortunately can't read. None of the photos show a first-summer male with a grey mantle. Therefore I'd like to read the text, for which I need the English version.... Any clues to a working link for this?

I don't remember seeing exactly this on a BEW, but found it (very rarely) or other seemingly anomalous moults on a few other species while ringing. As you mention, none of the photos shows an exact match, but if you check on page 6 the two lowermost pictures on the left side (two 1st winter males) you'll see their back colours being a bit greyish after the postjuvenile moult. I think those back colours, when worn, can look similar to the grey shown by the bird you found.
The links Jan and I provided work fine on my computer, showing the english version of the atlas. Not sure if all the species there have been already translated but BEW and many others have.
Thanks guys - interesting bird & discussion.


PS Sorry Eduardo, no idea why I thought you're name was Andy! Apologies!!
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