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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Any phone to any optics adapter - Carson HookUpz (1 Viewer)

Boy Wonder

Warden - RSPB Lincolnshire Wash Reserves
Not sure if many people know about this or have one but just throwing putting it out there that this is a handy and easy bit of kit to use. While not being the most small and lightweight, it is pretty quick and easy once you get used to it. And best of all, if you change your phone or your scope or if a friend wants to use it their phone or their scope then they can.


It comes with a hard shell carry case which I attach to to my scope case then I have it with my everywhere. Only costs £40.

Here are some videos.




Using a Kowa 883 and Xperia Z5c. I don't think the adapter works with iPhone 6 plus or 6s plus.
Great footage BW, I like the look of this adaptor it looks a good price. I'm just about to change to the iPhone 6S Plus, and had my heart set on a Novagrade adaptor but this looks tempting. Are you sure this one does not work with the the larger iPhone 6S Plus?

I'm not 100% but I remember some conversation in the research I did that the 6+ was too big but can't remember if the manufactures said it or a user. The Carson team are easy enough to find and talk to so go to their webpage or look them up on twitter. One thing to be aware of is the lens location on the balance of the phone on the eyepiece. My Z5c is a smaller phone but still falls away from the eyepiece a little as the camera is in a corner. This may not be an issue for centre lensed cameras like the samsung. I have remedied it easily enough with a hair bobble though so not a big deal and a quick, cheap and effective solution. As one chap put it in another thread, the novagrade is god, but it is 3x the price as good.... Personally I don't think so but you do whatever works and if the 6+ is too big then that may still be your best option.

Great footage BW, I like the look of this adaptor it looks a good price. I'm just about to change to the iPhone 6S Plus, and had my heart set on a Novagrade adaptor but this looks tempting. Are you sure this one does not work with the the larger iPhone 6S Plus?

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