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Colombia, Inirida (Vaupes, Venezuela border) (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Another from the varzea forest around Inirida.
as always thanks in advance,
Tom Friedel


  • Antbird4.jpg
    249.5 KB · Views: 46
Very hard to tell, as with this un-feathered gape we are talking about a juvenile bird.

From the shape, I guess antshrike. From range and wing-bars, I restricted to Amazonian and Blackish-grey BUT I might have missed one, so many birds in Colombia...

As Juvenile Amazonian shows much more white in wings like here https://download.ams.birds.cornell.edu/api/v1/asset/50397601/medium

I would remain with a juvenile Blackish grey, although I didn't find a juvenile to compare.

I'd be glad to read other opinions.
Another photo

It does look like a Plain Antvireo! I was thinking along the same lines as AlinoVegano I think because for one the Blackish-grey Antshrike immature and probably others is much different than the adult. Restall has an illustration but it doesn't look exactly like this bird. Here is another photo of I believe the same bird, that to me looks less like a Plain Antvireo.

But a different photo I still needed to identify appears to be a female Plain Antvireo, so maybe we are on to something.


  • Antbird1.jpg
    255.7 KB · Views: 21
I get the impression of a smaller bird, my first impression was an Antwren. I think the impression of overall size is based upon the size of the eye in the face and the relative length and weight of the bill.

In any case, though, plumage points at Plain Antvireo over any short-tailed Antwren type, so that's my best suggestion as well.
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