deifinitely not cuckoos, look at the bill to start. pretty certain they're corn buntings.
I 'think' they were too large for Corn Buntings but ...
I was in a hide when noticed these birds, having kindly been invited in by a staff member from Montfrague NP and she couldn't ID these.
There were sparrows in bush right next door and this gave us immediate size comparison. As I said above - seemed to be ~3x larger.
Sorry John, maybe you've not posted the pics of the right birds, but these show sparrows, either House or quite possibly Spanish.
the first pic surely shows a corn bunting, no? the second one appears to be a sparrow, but is really anyone's guess.
John, for future reference, this is what a Cuckoo looks like; http://
Hey Nick, yeah I could squint a lot and find Corn Bunt features on the first photo, so certainly not going to argue it! As you say, anyone's guess - at least CB's are bigger than sparrows...
John, for future reference, this is what a Cuckoo looks like; http://
Thanks for the education Bob and Chris B . I was clutching at straws when suggesting Cuckoo as was trying to think of a bird that was ~3x larger than a sparrow:
2. was trying to think of a species where one bird was grey (the front bird in picture) and one bird was brown (the background bird) and hence thought of cuckoo + immature cuckoo.
John, don't forget that Eurasian Cuckoos are brood parasites, so the closer an adult Cuckoo will get to its young is when the female lays its single egg and clear off...
Yes. Silly me. Couldn't be Cuckoo |:$| - which we know its not anyway.
Thanks for all the input everyone. To save embarrassing myself further in a new thread, can I ask a (somewhat) related question. Is the attached picture a Corn Bunting? I would have said 'yes' but have been worried about the yellow belly.
Yes. Silly me. Couldn't be Cuckoo |:$| - which we know its not anyway.
Thanks for all the input everyone. To save embarrassing myself further in a new thread, can I ask a (somewhat) related question. Is the attached picture a Corn Bunting? I would have said 'yes' but have been worried about the yellow belly.
This one could be a Corn Bunting, but, as Rob said, because the pic is blurred, it's relative hard to rule out a lark.