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Yorkshire Birding (5 Viewers)

I managed to get to the pond today and the L T Duck is still present, along with about 200 fieldfares 3 or 4 snipe and a handful of teal. Couldn't hang about for long so didn't go as far as the stubble field, but if there is a chance of jack snipe then I will return when more time available.
Today I saw a Barn Owl out hunting in the early afternoon. Nothing unusual about that apart from the fact it was very windy and absolutely pouring down with rain. Also saw a Sparrowhawk and a good sized flock of Goldfinch- not bad going considering I spent the day shopping in York!
Went over the bridge into Lincolnshire, Saw Great Northern Diver in summer plumage and a Slav Grebe at Covenham, then had a Long Tailed Duck at Huttoft Pits and on the way home stopped off at Worlaby for a ringtail Hen Harrier and a Short-Eared Owl
Went over the bridge into Lincolnshire, Saw Great Northern Diver in summer plumage and a Slav Grebe at Covenham, then had a Long Tailed Duck at Huttoft Pits and on the way home stopped off at Worlaby for a ringtail Hen Harrier and a Short-Eared Owl

Good one. I would be interested in hearing more about Coveham and how to work that area.
Hi Marcus, its easy, just park up on the North West Side, there is a car park -off road. follow foothpath up to Res bank, there is a footpath, all the way round. I've only walked the West & South bank. There are plenty of places nearby to bird. Donna Nook, Rimac etc etc. C link below.


Hi Marcus, just to add to what darren said keep an eye on the concrete sides as you get waders feeding around the edge and snow buntings have been seen on the banks recently
I managed to get to the pond today and the L T Duck is still present, along with about 200 fieldfares 3 or 4 snipe and a handful of teal.

Couldn't get there this weekend, as had stuff to do at home Saturday & had the hangover from hell on Sunday B :)

What do you reckon the chances are of it still being there this coming weekend?
Wouldn't want to call it Richard. They can be stayers so there is a possibility of the bird hanging around. I'm probably going back on Thursday with scope etc to have a good nose around, weather dependant of course. I'll post something Thursday night.
At Flamborough, Filey, Bempton and Spurn this weekend just gone. Highlights included a Pomarine skua over my head at Spurn point. And a Little auk on the sea at Flamborough, lots of other things too.

Pictures and more are on my Blog below:
Long tailed duck still present today.

Also 17 Snipe, Water Rail, Willow tit, Barn Owl, Kingfisher, 5 Goosander, 200 fieldfare and 11 Brambling.

Thats was inside 40 minutes! I will get a decent pic if the sun ever shines...


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Thought it was a while since I last dipped Lapland Bunting so I braved the bad weather and headed to Flamborough for an hour this afternoon.
Plenty of birds about including Rock Pipit and a huge, grumpy Peregrine soaring against the wind, defending it's air-space from the Herring Gulls.
I soon found a mixed flock of birds in the bunting field that included Starling, Skylark and good numbers of Snow Bunting- also RL Partridge. Unfortunately the smaller birds were only visable when in the air. When I thought they were going to hit the deck close to the path a Merlin shot out from nowhere and sent them back up again! I couldn't really complain.
Needless to say I didn't get a confirmed Lap although some of the birds in the flock were probably this species.
As the rain started to get faster I drove to the lighthouse just in case a SEO was hunting the set-aside. No such luck although I did see a pair of Stonechat.
One good thing about my bogey Laps- I see some great birds while searching for them.
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Stalked the little beauty today, and I am chuffed with these.

Also 1000 fieldfare, 7 redpoll and one snipe.


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