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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
A Swallow with a beak full of nesting material on Monday. It looks like cleaner work than collecting the mud. According to 'Springwatch' last night a lot of these birds delayed their migration last month, because of the persistent northerly winds. It looks as if this one is making up for lost time. Ron
Buckenham marshes, Norfolk
Date taken
Scientific name
Hirundo rustica
Equipment used
Olympus E-30 + ED 70-300 + EC14
:bounce: Love the "false moustache" it's wearing, Ron!!! :'D Swell Swallow portrait!!! :t: :t: :clap:
Yep.. I'd stick with the stick :)-O) & let the other half play in the mud. A top capture, Ron. :king:
Change of habits,Ron,from bricklaying to carpentry. Collecting material for the barn! ;); Excellent shot,mate. :t:
Brilliant capture Mr RT, certainly looks a busy builder whatever he is using:t:eek::)
You have produced some brilliant Swallow images of late Ron!! no exception here mate, :t::t::t:

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