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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Fawn-breasted Brilliant (female)
Fawn-breasted Brilliant (Heliodoxa rubinoides subsp. cervinigularis) Female, species sexually dimorphic. Amazonas, Abra Patricia Reserve, Owlet Lodge, Per. Tropical humid montane forest (cloud forest) at 2,310 m (7,579 ft) elevation, eastern-slope of the Andes.
Tropical humid montane forest (cloud forest) at 2,310 m (7,579 ft) elevation, eastern-slope of the Andes.
Amazonas, Abra Patricia Reserve, Owlet Lodge, Per
Date taken
January 2017
Scientific name
Heliodoxa rubinoides
Equipment used
What a pretty little girl! A beautiful stop action image of this little jewel Stanley!
Isn't she pretty, Stanley! What a great action shot, too.
Staff member
Opus Editor
How pretty she is Stanley!! And what a wonderful flight picture you've taken of her too.

My word your photographic talent is amazing my friend - thanks for sharing it with us.

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Central & South America & Mexico
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Stanley Jones
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