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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Media added by daz_martin

Latest comments

  • Narrow-billed Woodcreeper
    Fantastic picture of this attractive Woodcreeper. Great pose, lighting, focus, colors, detail, and setting. Excellent Roynato! TFS!
  • Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
    Great close-up of this fabulous parakeet. Great side view showing magnificent colors against the orangish flowers. Love the one below with its eye showing nicely. First-rate Roynato! TFS!
  • Wire-tailed Swallow
    Fabulous colors, clarity and image quality. Gorgeous swallow and close-up Shantilal! TFS!
  • Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
    Amazing bird and photo! TFS!
  • Short-toed snake eagle
    Awesome subject and fabulous timing capturing this eagle taking flight. Great focus, stop-action, detail, and blue sky. Terrific JJ! TFS!
  • Red-backed shrike
    Great profile of this lovely Shrike. Fantastic pose, perch, focus, colors, feather detail, lighting, and background. Quality work JB! TFS!
  • Swallow Tailed Kite in Missouri
    Wow these shots have really been just amazing! Great you saw such a rarity and keep up the good work Jon. TFS!
  • Swallow Tailed Kite in Missouri
    Just a wonderful photo of this amazing rarity! TFS!
  • male whinchat
    Great pose, head turn, eye contact, focus, lighting, dof, setting, background, and composition. Excellent JB! TFS!
  • Swallow Tailed Kite in Missouri
    Wow what an amazing bird! TFS Jon!


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