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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Ringed Storm-Petrel

    Ringed Storm-Petrel

    One of the most beautiful and unusual storm petrels, easily my favorite lifer from that day!
  2. Markham's Storm-Petrel

    Markham's Storm-Petrel

    Of the four storm petrel species we saw that day, this was by far the least common, only making a couple of appearances.
  3. Giant Hummingbird

    Giant Hummingbird

  4. Mountain Caracara

    Mountain Caracara

  5. Andean Condors

    Andean Condors

    Locate in Mirador Cruz del Condor in Colca Canyon
  6. Me and the eagle

    Me and the eagle

    This picture was taken in Colca Valley in Peru. This Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle is domesticated and belongs to a Colca's native.