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arid lands botanical gardens

  1. Hate this camera - always giving me headless birds!

    Hate this camera - always giving me headless birds!

    The camera always seems to go for a walk when I'm taking pictures above my head. I started off with this Pied Honeyeater in the middle of the viewfinder but this was the end result. Guess I'll have to keep practising LOL Saturday Fun
  2. The one and only

    The one and only

    As we made our way back to the cafe area Peter found this Pied Honeyeater for me! He didn't show too well, but I was so glad I got him at all as it was the only one I saw on the trip. Seems to be pretty rare too, as there aren't many images of them in the Gallery.
  3. Keeping to the shade

    Keeping to the shade

    With no leaves in site, surprising where the shade did come from, but this Crested Pigeon found the spot LOL. Unfortunately the pretty iridescent wing patch wasn't on show.
  4. I'm sure there's something good down there

    I'm sure there's something good down there

    The bushes surrounding the cafe area seemed to be full of honeyeaters, amongst them this Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater showing off his favourite feeding pose.
  5. A Crooner

    A Crooner

    The area where we were filling our faces was surrounded by bushes and trees and in them appeared a Singing Honeyeater. Needless to say this was a first entry onto my Life list. BTW I think I must have clicked on the "Delete" button instead of "Save" when I first tried to upload this picture...
  6. Intertwined


    We'd not long settled ourselves at a table (in the shade) overlooking a garden and water feature, when we spotted some movement. Not only was there one Shingle-backed Lizard but there were two, obviously mating! Quite a surprise that.... another new species for me for the trip. Interesting that...
  7. In the shade

    In the shade

    The following day Peter and Adrienne took me on yet another adventure.... off to the Flinders Ranges, a long way north and west of Adelaide. We travelled north up the coast to Port Augusta where we stopped to visit the botanic gardens for late lunch. Walking through the gardens to the cafe, I...
  8. Yet another Honeyeater

    Yet another Honeyeater

    We tried to have a little walk through the gardens at this point but didn't get more than a hundred or so meters when the heat drove us back (well it was the middle of the day and one of the hottest!!)... and there was no shade. So back we went to 'our' table with the promise of a lovely cold...
  9. Bather


    I had to go back through my notes to check, this was only the second Crested Pigeon I'd recorded in South Australia! And the first picture I'd managed to get. They were everywhere in Queensland! This one had come down to the little pond by the cafe for a drink and a bath.
  10. Spiny baby

    Spiny baby

    Just at the edge of the shrub that had the adult Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, was a youngster. He's developing the yellow belly, but not the facial 'spines' etc yet.
  11. Spiny


    A nice re-acquaintance with a Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, for I'd first seen these all those weeks ago at the Bowra back dam. He came to feed in the same stretch of shrubs as the Singing Honeyeater... birding was easy at this table LOL. Nice birds.
  12. Songster


    Another new honeyeater came to one of the bushes to entertain us.... a very pretty little Singing Honeyeater. Lunch can't get much better than that, can it? BTW the day I was there would have been my father's 104th birthday.
  13. X rated entwinement!

    X rated entwinement!

    We made our way to the cafe and got our lunch organised which we sat outside under sunshades.... it was an extremely hot day! We were overlooking a small rockery area with a wee pond and at the edge of the shrubbery on the other side of it Peter suddenly spotted these two at it! A pair of...