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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Western Barn Owl

    Western Barn Owl

  2. Male and Female Ruff

    Male and Female Ruff

    This pair were wading in near perfect unison at Cley Marsh.
  3. Greenshank 7636.jpeg

    Greenshank 7636.jpeg

  4. Icterine Warbler, Plantation, Blakeney Point

    Icterine Warbler, Plantation, Blakeney Point

    Headed to Norfolk today as there were a few bits around. Dipped on the UK lifer, but was rewarded for a 7 mile hike on shingle out to Blakeney Point with cracking views of this icterine warbler.
  5. Redshank


    Returned at the week-end from a fabulous week in Norfolk. Super weather and loads of birds. Everywhere we went there seemed to be a profusion of redshank! This was taken in the last hour or so of sunlight so nice soft colours.
  6. Cley marsh

    Cley marsh

    Cley marsh, early autumn afternoon with Cley mill/village in the background.