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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Sunset flight

    Sunset flight

    Major Mitchell Cockatoos at Eyre Bird Observatory
  2. Its Preening time

    Its Preening time

    Cockies making some feather adjustments.
  3. Long -billed Black Cockatoo

    Long -billed Black Cockatoo

    Cockatoos feeding in a paddock
  4. Major Mitchell Cockatoos

    Major Mitchell Cockatoos

    Also called Pink Cockatoos.
  5. Galahs, Cacatua roseicapilla

    Galahs, Cacatua roseicapilla

    Pair of Galahs, Cacatua roseicapilla, perching, Southern Flinders Ranges, South Australia.
  6. More Major Mitchell's

    More Major Mitchell's

    Major Mitchell Cockatoos
  7. Major Mitchell Cockatoos

    Major Mitchell Cockatoos

    Major Mitchells at Eyre Bird Observatory, Western Australia
  8. Galah landing in the palm trees

    Galah landing in the palm trees

    Taken in the backyard where I have many palms which all the parrots love.Had a flock of them in and they were flying in and out of the palms.
  9. Hanging out

    Hanging out

    Cockatoo demolishing one of my trees, but I love them.
  10. Galah


  11. Glossy Black Cockatoo

    Glossy Black Cockatoo

    46-50 cm Large, but the smallest of the Black Cockatoos.Highly endangered across it's entire range from Far North Queensland to South Australia. Habitat removal is the greatest cause of decline. The bird feeds almost exclusively on Casuarina Trees and lays one single egg. Photo by Andrew.
  12. Flying cockatoo

    Flying cockatoo

    The price for a wild caught cockatoo is about 35 US-dollars, no wonder these birds are becoming rare in the wild.
  13. Cockatiel


    Yes, a wild Cockatiel! (however when I was taking the images, a farmer approached me and when I asked him his feelings on the birds eating his sorghum....he announced that he didn't mind as the field was his neighbours!)