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  1. Rufous-bellied Eagle vs Black Hornbill, Borneo

    Rufous-bellied Eagle vs Black Hornbill, Borneo

    A young Rufous-bellied Eagle is stalking a male Black Hornbill. Fortunately, nothing happened. The Black Hornbill made numerous loud calls with his female mate not far away. Soon after, the Black Hornbill flew away, and the Rufous-bellied Eagle remained at the same location until it, too, flew away.
  2. Young wild urban badger.

    Young wild urban badger.

    One of the youngsters of a group of five badgers being curious and assessing if it is safe to feed.
  3. Moustached Warbler

    Moustached Warbler

    He is very curious bird and so sensetive to sound.