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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

ephippiorhynchus asiaticus

  1. Black necked Stork inflight : globally threatened : Amazing Wild India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Black necked Stork inflight : globally threatened : Amazing Wild India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    A Globally Threatened species ... and ... a very large Stork This female was seen recently ... soaring over the wetland at ... Sultanpur National Park Gurugram Haryana India 22 February 2024
  2. Black necked Stork : female : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Black necked Stork : female : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Having finished her family duties during winter ... ... she can take a well deserved break ... Watch the lovely-eyed beauty in this video-clip ... __________ Black-necked Stork ( Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus ) Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur Rajasthan India 07.03.2019
  3. Lakescape-1K37


    The big lady was ... far away and hunting ... ... in the golden moments ... before an an impending dusk ... A pair of this Globally Threatened species ... regularly nests in the Keoladeo during the months of Jan-Feb ... _____________________ Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur 12 January 2024
  4. Black necked Stork : inflight : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Black necked Stork : inflight : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Black-necked Stork ... ... soaring ... a globally threatened species ... A Black Kite follows the Stork briefly ... checking out the big guy from above ... Nazafgarh Wetland Delhi-Gurugram Border !0 January 2018
  5. Lakescape-936


    An immature among greats ... ___________________ Black-necked Stork ... immature male Great Egrets
  6. Lakescape-890


    Quintessential ... ... winter scene at ... Keoladeo ___________________ Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur : Rajasthan India 12 January 2023
  7. Lakescape-861


    Probably ... ... not one of their best days ... The setting was good ... though ___________________ Black-necked Stork IUCN : Near Threatened Keoladeo NP India
  8. Lakscape - 749

    Lakscape - 749

    Another show of flying apparatuses ... ... lady Black-necked flies low ... and spooks a foraging Glossy ... B-n Stork is a Near Threatened species ... ___________ Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  9. Lakescape - 716

    Lakescape - 716

    Lakescape - 716 A full frame closeup capture of this fabulous giant ... Black-necked Stork male ... A Globally Threatened species... ________ Delhi India
  10. Black-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork aka Jabiru - female
  11. Black-necked Stork - female

    Black-necked Stork - female

    A large predatory stork
  12. Black-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork

    Soaring over in bright sunlight
  13. Black-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork

  14. Black-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork

  15. Black-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork

    As we rounded a bend in the billabong we were lucky to catch this Stork beginning to extend its wings.
  16. Black Necked Stork and Australian Pelican

    Black Necked Stork and Australian Pelican

    As I was walking back towards the car, the female Black Necked Stork, flew and landed near an Australian Pelican. She Started to flap her wings and clacks her bill. The pelican was all tensed up. The Male Black Necked Stork flew over and join his partner. I told myself, if there is going to be a...
  17. Black-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork

    Taken through the telescope at quite a good distance. Seems to have been a male, the eye looks dark rather than yellow.
  18. Black-necked Stork

    Black-necked Stork

    Called Jabiru in Oz.