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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Sunset over Borneo Island

    Sunset over Borneo Island

    The view was taken at Marriott Hotel, Miri during my last road trip stay in December 2020.
  2. Hooded crow against the moon

    Hooded crow against the moon

    I'm uncertain if photos without clear details are encouraged. Will take it down if it goes against the rules.
  3. Young wild urban badger.

    Young wild urban badger.

    One of the youngsters of a group of five badgers being curious and assessing if it is safe to feed.
  4. Evening Grosbeak (female)

    Evening Grosbeak (female)

    This lady was a visitor in the same flock as previously posted. A wonderful surprise visit. When they return, I have promised to get myself sharper shots.
  5. Evening Grosbeak  (male)

    Evening Grosbeak (male)

    They finally came when I least expected, but I was able to grab some shots, hope to do better with sharpness next time. At least I know now that they will come again.
  6. Evening grosbeak

    Evening grosbeak

    I was shooting Nuthatches when a small flock of these Grosbeaks landed in the same tree. Welcome, welcome, have a perch.
  7. Dark Evening Brown

    Dark Evening Brown

  8. Evening Grosbeak

    Evening Grosbeak

    Fall plumage on this grosbeak in the deep shade. Not sure if it's a female or male in non breeding plumage.
  9. Egrets' Conference at Our City Lake_14

    Egrets' Conference at Our City Lake_14

    In my opinion, the best scene was this flock of egrets assembled on the hyacinth weed seemingly enjoying the cool evening breeze over the lake.
  10. Our City Lake_11

    Our City Lake_11

    Visited the city lake again in the evening a couple of days ago. There is a park running alongside the lake, which is generally crowded with people, with boat rides etc. There wasn't much of bird activity in the water. But there was plenty of activity in and over the park. However, photography...
  11. Our City Lake_9

    Our City Lake_9

    Visited the city lake again in the evening a couple of days ago. There is a park running alongside the lake, which is generally crowded with people, with boat rides etc. There wasn't much of bird activity in the water. But I did spot egrets, a few herons and coots and a lone cormorant, near the...
  12. Himalayas - 9

    Himalayas - 9

    An evening in Himalayas : _____________________________ Even before Sun Was done ... Moon arose In east Lustrous And full Shining through Gossamer clouds Ushering in Night Overwhelming As day Gone by Moments of Of peace And Solitude Quiet introspection No Dracula Lurking around Only...
  13. Evening on our Easter birding trip

    Evening on our Easter birding trip

    Evening on our Easter birding trip
  14. Evening Grosbeak

    Evening Grosbeak

    Another one from the trip out west.
  15. Evening Pelicans

    Evening Pelicans

    Evening Pelicans take flight across a marsh at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge in central Kansas, USA.