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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. footpecker


    Later in day after the HTC RE's battery gives up (about two hours) sometimes these bird would come up that would grab a seed between their talons and peck at it. I just got silhouettes so I wasn't able to ID. Today I did. It's my black-capped chickadees!
  2. mourningdove.jpg


    I have been hearing these guys for a while before they actually made an appearance. At first I thought it was a pigeon, they even walk with that same head-bop syncopation. But Merlin says it is a mourning dove and the wing plumage doesn't match the pigeons around here. These guys also just...
  3. towhee


    This guy won't go up to the feeding tray, just scrounges the knockoff. The white on the end of his tail makes him stand out.
  4. tuftedtitmouse.jpg


    This is another speed freak, he is much more persistent/aggressive than the chickadee. I think I may have more than one tufted titmouse, but I'm not certain yet.
  5. chickadee.jpg


    Doing my "fast movers" today, the ones that dart in grab food and fly away before anyone can react. First up is a chickadeee. I believe this is the black-capped chicadee.
  6. female.jpg


    I suspect this is a Northern Cardinal female. The plumage is much less colorful and while the other two go right up on the tray and push others around, this one usually stays on the deck and goes through the knockoff. This one will bully other birds scrounging through the knockoff.
  7. molting.jpg


    I suspect this is a juvenile getting his first adult plumage, but I'm not 100%. He will show up after the big guy and also chases the others away.
  8. bigdaddy.jpg


    I have at least three Cardinals who visit, this is the one who shows first, bullies everyone else off the tray and eats up the sunflower seeds.