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hieraaetus morphnoides

  1. Rather distant fly-over

    Rather distant fly-over

    So the chat Alex had with the two guys produced the information that one of them, an experienced birdwatcher, had seen and photographed a Noisy Scrubwren that morning, which was on our list for the day. He showed us his picture which was on his camera. So after lunch we set off following his...
  2. Small but nice

    Small but nice

    We spent quite some time exploring the park, but few birds revealed themselves (it was very hot, so guess they were keeping well into the shade). However, we did stop a lot and went for little walks, getting pictures of plants and the scenery (views were terrific with the mountains beyond). We...
  3. Little Eagle

    Little Eagle

    Little Eagle
  4. Aerial combat

    Aerial combat

    After lunch that day we had a tour around the reserve, but I didn't get any really decent pictures due to the heat haze mostly (I won't mention my poor technical skills!) Heading back to town we called in at the Cunnamulla Evaporation Ponds. A spotted a raptor flying over, which turned out to...
  5. The wee one

    The wee one

    We drove around the Porongurups, stopping here and there for interesting spots, walks and views (of which there were many of all). At one place, overlooking Mount Barker, we had pulled up when this Little Eagle flew over. I just managed to catch him before he went out of sight!
  6. Little


    The time was beginning to wear on now, so we headed back towards Cunnamulla but first detoured into the Evaporation Ponds. Wandering along a path beside one of the ponds my attention was drawn to a raptor and there was a Little Eagle flying over. At one point he actually got mobbed by a Crow...