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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Snow Bunting

    Snow Bunting

    One of a flock of around 40 birds present in area on-and-off over the winter. The area these were favouring is regularly "seeded" to attract the birds - at least in part I'd guess to make them easier to trap and ring! This individual just one of the birds already rung (banded). Caught in...
  2. Lapland Bunting

    Lapland Bunting

    Long-staying bird present for previous few weeks though as it's on it's own it can be tricky to find given how unobtrusive it can be and how cryptic its' plumage is in it's chosen location and habitat.
  3. Barred Warbler - Kessingland

    Barred Warbler - Kessingland

    Caught up with the uncommonly showy Barred Warbler at Kessingland over the weekend
  4. Pallas Warbler - Kessingland, Suffolk

    Pallas Warbler - Kessingland, Suffolk

    Pretty chuffed at getting any shot given the flittiness of the bird and the light levels. Cracking little warbler at Kessingland this morning