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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

lophoictinia isura

  1. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite
  2. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

  3. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

    The Square-tailed Kites are nesting in our local park as usual.
  4. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite
  5. Square-tailed Kite (imm)

    Square-tailed Kite (imm)

    We must get back soon to see if they are breeding again near us.
  6. Square-tailed Kites

    Square-tailed Kites

    The Square-tailed Kites are back breeding again in one of our local parks.
  7. Square-tailed Kite (imm)

    Square-tailed Kite (imm)

  8. Square-tailed Kite ( with lunch)

    Square-tailed Kite ( with lunch)

    Square-tailed Kite ( with lunch)
  9. Square-tailed Kite (imm)

    Square-tailed Kite (imm)

    This is the younger (ie smaller) of the two chicks raised this season. The older one has moved away, we were lucky to catch this one this morning.
  10. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

  11. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

  12. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

    We've just discovered this rare raptor nesting 6 kilometres from our house! There are two nearly full grown juveniles, but the male is still bringing nesting material.
  13. Square


    We'd got through the gates onto the reserve now when a movement high in the sky cause Hans to stop the car. We all piled out to try and spot it. Not my best picture, but the only time I saw one of these - Square-tailed Kite. This area seemed to be very good for raptors, we'd seen a few species...
  14. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

    Probably the rarest bird I saw on my trip to OZ. We saw this one rip a honeyeater nest from a small branch and devour the contents; part of life. Notice how long the wings are!