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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

napo river

  1. Black-Fronted Nun Bird1 20180809_Sani Lodge Ecuador.jpg

    Black-Fronted Nun Bird1 20180809_Sani Lodge Ecuador.jpg

    This was a new family, let alone species for me. Seen in the trees around the beautiful Sani Lodge in the Amazonian forest in Ecuador
  2. Mealy Parrot

    Mealy Parrot

    Mealy Parrot (Amazon) (Amazona farinosa subsp. farinosa) There is at least one Orange-winged Parrot (Amazon) (Amazona amazonica). The Mealy Parrot appears as if they have been dusted with powder. Clay lick along south side of Napo River in the Yasun National Park, Orellana Province, Ecuador...
  3. Crested Owl

    Crested Owl

    Crested Owl (Lophostrix cristata subsp. cristata) Near the Napo River clay lick. Floodplain of the Napo River, Orellana Province, Ecuador. Ecuadorian amazon rain forest at ca. 200 m (656 ft) elevation.
  4. Long-billed Woodcreeper PERU'13 SER

    Long-billed Woodcreeper PERU'13 SER

  5. White-necked Puffbird PERU'13 SER

    White-necked Puffbird PERU'13 SER

  6. Ladder-tailed Nightjar PERU'13 SER

    Ladder-tailed Nightjar PERU'13 SER

    This bird was at its day roost in shrubs at the edge of young forest on a recently formed island in the Napo River.
  7. Lesser Hornero PERU'13 SER

    Lesser Hornero PERU'13 SER

    This bird was one of a pair at the edge of a young forest of an island formed six years ago in the Napo River.
  8. Purple-throated Cotinga male PERU'13 SER

    Purple-throated Cotinga male PERU'13 SER

    This small bird sat atop a tree beside the river. I was in a small boat. The bird was near the distance limit for obtaining an acceptable image with my equipment; the image has been severely cropped.
  9. Black and White Antbird PERU'13 SER

    Black and White Antbird PERU'13 SER

    This bird was defending territory in 6-year old woody growth at the edge of a new island in the Napo River at the Amazon Basin of northeastern Peru.
  10. Spot-winged Antbird female PERU SER

    Spot-winged Antbird female PERU SER

    This photo was taken at night from a small boat along a small inlet to the Napo River in the Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru. The bird was roosting on a streamside shrub, and didn't move when photographed with flash. Buff spots on wing are covered.
  11. White-headed Marsh-Tyrant PERU SER

    White-headed Marsh-Tyrant PERU SER

    Bird was foraging among and just above reeds at shallow bend of Napo River, Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru.
  12. White-fronted Nunbird Pair PERU SER

    White-fronted Nunbird Pair PERU SER

    Birds were ~20 m up in the canopy of terra firma forest between ACTS and ExplorNapo Lodge near Napo River in Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru. Photo is severely cropped, as birds were small on full image due to distance (~30 m) from camera.
  13. White-chinned Jacamar PERU SER

    White-chinned Jacamar PERU SER

    Bird was in a dense, shaded, streamside shrub border (terra firma forest understory) of a small tributary of the Napo River in the Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru. The photo was taken from a small boat through a partial window in the foliage (the best view I could get by maneuvering a...
  14. Amazonian Violaceous Trogon PERU SER

    Amazonian Violaceous Trogon PERU SER

    Bird was on tree branch ~6 m above ground at edge of terra firma forest by ExplorNapo Lodge near Napo River in Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru.
  15. Purple-throated Fruitcrow PERU SER

    Purple-throated Fruitcrow PERU SER

    Bird was about 20 m above ground in a tree in terra firma forest along one of the trails between ACTS and ExplorNapo Lodge near Napo River in Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru.
  16. Hoatzin PERU SER

    Hoatzin PERU SER

    Bird was ~8 m above ground in dense floodplain forest by small tributary/wetland of Napo River near ExplorNapo Lodge, upper Amazon drainage in northeastern Peru.
  17. Great Potoo PERU SER

    Great Potoo PERU SER

    Bird was at its day roost about 15 m up in a large tree in semi-open woodland of flood plain of a small tributary entering south side of Napo River across from ExplorNapo Lodge in upper Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru. The bird's eyes were closed until a noise caused it to partially open...
  18. Dusky-headed Parakeet Pair PERU SER

    Dusky-headed Parakeet Pair PERU SER

    Taken from a small boat along tributary entering south side of Napo River across from ExplorNapo Lodge in upper Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru. The birds sat on a rotten stump, and were part of a larger flock.
  19. Cuvier's (White-throated) Toucan PERU SER

    Cuvier's (White-throated) Toucan PERU SER

    Bird was high in canopy of terra firma forest by ExplorNapo Lodge near Napo River, upper Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru.
  20. Chestnut-eared Aracari PERU SER

    Chestnut-eared Aracari PERU SER

    Taken in terra firma forest by ExplorNapo Lodge near Napo River, Amazon Drainage, northeastern Peru.
  21. Black-tailed Trogon rear view PERU SER

    Black-tailed Trogon rear view PERU SER

    Taken in terra firma forest by ExplorNapo Lodge, near Napo River in upper Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru.
  22. Black-headed Parrot Quartet PERU SER

    Black-headed Parrot Quartet PERU SER

    Birds were in the upper canopy of terra firma forest, about 30 m above the forest floor. The photo was taken from the Canopy Walkway near ACTS, roughly 2 km from the Napo River in the upper Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru. This quartet was part of a larger flock.
  23. Bicolored Antbird PERU SER

    Bicolored Antbird PERU SER

    Bird was in lower understory of terra firma forest along trail between ExplorNapo Lodge and ACTS near Napo River in upper Amazon drainage of northeastern Peru. It was difficult to obtain a clear view of the bird through small gaps in the dense foliage; the blurred tail is due to an out-of-focus...