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panasonic gh4

  1. B

    Updating Panasonic Gh4 with Canon R1O ?

    I have had my GH4. Since 2015 together with the 100-300 mk 2 lens. On a recent holiday I saw what the. Canon R10 with 100-400 could do and was impressed. Its lighter annd has longer reach. Any helpful thoughts especially from those with experience of these appreciated BB
  2. The Limpkin

    The Limpkin

    A relative of the Crane, albeit much smaller. They forage in the shallows picking Snails and Mussels out of the mud, and i think they are great!
  3. Gull Storm

    Gull Storm

    The Sea never fails to humble me. Watching these birds not just eek an existence but thriving in conditions unthinkable to humans is totally inspirational.