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  1. Ringed Storm-Petrel

    Ringed Storm-Petrel

    One of the most beautiful and unusual storm petrels, easily my favorite lifer from that day!
  2. Markham's Storm-Petrel

    Markham's Storm-Petrel

    Of the four storm petrel species we saw that day, this was by far the least common, only making a couple of appearances.
  3. Azan Khan

    Seabirds ID Request - Pakistan

    Hi everyone, can anyone help me ID these seabirds? Posting it on behalf of a friend. The first bird is a jaeger which apparently looks like Parasitic/Arctic Jaeger to me based on the two pointed tail feathers but I'd still like to see a a response regarding its correct identity, preferably with...
  4. Parkinson's Petrel

    Parkinson's Petrel

    A lovely petrel, which breeds on only two islands off New Zealand, and disperses to the waters of Central and northern South America after breeding.
  5. T

    White-chinned/Parkinson's Petrels, nw Peru, saturday

    Hi everybody, I went on a little pelagic outing off the coast of Piura, in northwestern Peru last saturday, and Procellaria Petrels were some of the most common birds around. Many were clearly White-chinned, with a fully pale bill tip, and very rarely a visible white chin (see photos 1-3)...
  6. Black-bellied Storm Petrel

    Black-bellied Storm Petrel

    Black Bellied Storm Petrel taken on a pelagic off Cape Town
  7. Great Shearwater

    Great Shearwater

    Great Shearwater taken on a pelagic off Cape Town
  8. White Chinned Petrel

    White Chinned Petrel

    White Chinned Petrel taken on a pelagic off Cape Town
  9. Shy Albatross with fish

    Shy Albatross with fish

    Taken on a pelagic off Cape Town to the trawling grounds. This shy albatross has grabbed some breakfast as the trawler pulled in its nets.
  10. Wandering Albatross

    Wandering Albatross

    Taken off Cape Town on a Pelagic
  11. Atlantic Yellow Nosed Albatross

    Atlantic Yellow Nosed Albatross

    Taken on a Pelagic off Cape Town, South Africa
  12. Guadalupe Murrelet

    Guadalupe Murrelet

    Guadalupe Murrelet, former subspecies of Xantus's Murrelet. Found on Shearwater Journeys pelagic Sept. 22 with Debi Shearwater off Half Moon Bay, CA.
  13. White-faced storm petrel

    White-faced storm petrel

    Another storm petrel off the east coast of the north island N.Z. Capturing the walking is always a thrill.
  14. New Zealand Storm Petrel

    New Zealand Storm Petrel

    On a pelagic in Hauraki Gulf we were lucky enough to get looks at the New Zealand Storm Petrel. With a lot of panning I finally got a shot that showed its markings fairly well. Much faster in flight then White faced petrels or so it seemed as I panned on it.
  15. Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra)

    Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra)

    Masked Booby about to dive into the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of South America
  16. Herring Gull, 3rd Winter

    Herring Gull, 3rd Winter

    A 3rd winter Herring Gull in flight over the Atlantic Ocean.
  17. Peruvian Pelicans at sea

    Peruvian Pelicans at sea

    This is one more photo from a pelagic where I got seasick, and the photo is by my wife. The fishingboat staff were cleaning, and every once in a while something went overboard for the pelicans and others to fight over.
  18. Royal Albatross, northern

    Royal Albatross, northern

    Actually, it was my wife who took this photo, but she has allowed me to upload it here. This is a bird of subspecies sanfordi. I challenge everyone to id all the birds at the distance ;)
  19. Northern Giant Petrel

    Northern Giant Petrel

  20. Indian Yellow-nsed Albatross

    Indian Yellow-nsed Albatross

    Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross, Woollongong, Australia, August 2008. Dr Kevin Elsby. More photos available on my website:- http://www.wildlifeontheweb.co.uk
  21. Pelagic Cormorant

    Pelagic Cormorant

    Double-crested Cormorants are common in my area. I had to take a trip from south Puget Sound out to the Olympic Peninsula to find this Pelagic. I love the sheen of his feathers.
  22. Pelagic Cormorant

    Pelagic Cormorant

    Pelagic cormorant taking flight out of the surf of the coast of Northen California