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pn tayrona

  1. Southern Rough-winged Swallow

    Southern Rough-winged Swallow

    I saw several of these in the forest. My past experience with this species has been over wetlands ... Subspecies aequalis
  2. Bicolored Wren

    Bicolored Wren

    Bicolored Wren at PN Tayrona, Colombia. The bird seen was part of a vocalizing group. Subspecies albicilius.
  3. Barred Antshrike male

    Barred Antshrike male

    Early morning with horrible backlight. Bird of subspecies albicans
  4. Trinidad Euphonia female

    Trinidad Euphonia female

    I found another image of a female of this species, from a different day.
  5. Thick-billed Euphonia male

    Thick-billed Euphonia male

  6. Lineated Woodpecker male

    Lineated Woodpecker male

    Subspecies lineatus
  7. Owl Butterfly sp

    Owl Butterfly sp

    Always a pleasure when seeing one of these large butterflies, even though several similar species makes id to species a challenge.
  8. Blue-and-yellow Macaw

    Blue-and-yellow Macaw

    I know for certain that these birds were free-flying. On the other hand, I do not know if they had a past as captives, they chose to visit this restaurant where the owners put out fruit. The location was in the middle of an area where the species gets ticked with regularity, and not only at this...
  9. Trinidad Euphonia female

    Trinidad Euphonia female

    Crazy angle but I do not believe I have another image of the female. Notice the white belly.
  10. Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet

    Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet

    Showing the yellow central crown. My impression from images online is that it is rarely seen.
  11. Trinidad Euphonia immature male

    Trinidad Euphonia immature male

    In the area, Trinidad E. should be the only species with blue-black throat (i males), and the white base of the tail which is more visible on other images is another clue. The green upperside shows it is not yet a fully adult male.