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  1. Pied Avocets

    Pied Avocets

    In April 2022 I was lucky to film a small group of Pied Avocets (Recurvirostra avosetta) feeding at the Wadden Sea on the North Frisian Island Amrum in the German North Sea.
  2. Chick of the Pied Avocet

    Chick of the Pied Avocet

    A Chick of the Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) at the Dollart, Lower Saxon Wadden Sea National Park
  3. American Shovelers; American Avocets

    American Shovelers; American Avocets

    Taken at the Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline at about 65m. Might be my best American Shoveler photo yet, and I just love those awkward-yet-stately paddle bills. The clear images of the Avocets in their white-n-black was a bonus.
  4. American Avocet

    American Avocet

    Taken at the Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline at about 30m.
  5. Red-necked Avocets

    Red-necked Avocets

    I had to wait some time for the birds to come closer...many species were gathered at the edge of a small island, just too far for my camera to get a good shot. They were obviously waiting for something, so I settled in among the reeds to wait with them. All of a sudden, at some signal I couldn't...
  6. American Avocet (male)

    American Avocet (male)

    American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) Species slightly sexually dimorphic. Females have a prominent upturned bill while the bills of males are turned up but only slightly so. Photographed along the margin of one of the Wilcox sewage ponds. Edge of Wilcox, Cochise County, Arizona, USA...
  7. Red-necked Avocet

    Red-necked Avocet

    Australian endemic