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resident species

  1. Ashy Prinia : foraging on ground : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Ashy Prinia : foraging on ground : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lovely ... little and ... hyperactive Ashy Prinia ... ... is widely distributed in the subcontinent ... Very restless ... generally feeds in the bushes ... here it is seen foraging on ground ... for a change __________________________ Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur Rajasthan India 12...
  2. Moment ...

    Moment ...

    One of those moments ... ____________ Red-naped Ibis Charkhi Dadri Jhajjar : Haryana Indi
  3. Epaulette ...

    Epaulette ...

    He is showing ... both that chestnut on the shoulder ... ... and the yellow on the throat ... well here ... ____________ Chestnut-shouldered Petronia ... aka Yellow-throated Sparrow Keoladeo National Park
  4. Inquisitive ...

    Inquisitive ...

    Very inquisitive ... ... playful gregarious ... vocal and agitatedly mobile ... That is what these long-tailed beauties are ... Common Babbler ... a relatively uncommon species of Babblers __________ Keoladeo National Park India
  5. Lakescape - 767

    Lakescape - 767

    A juvie who has largely won ... the initial battle of survival ... ... and has grown to full size ... will ... now catch up on the adult plumage ... _____________ Red-wattled Lapwing Nazafgarh Wetlands Gurugram : Haryana India 26 July 2022
  6. Lakescape - 662

    Lakescape - 662

    Sermon ... ... and the disinterested audience ... __________ Knob-billed Duck Keoladeo Natioonal Park Bharatpur Rajasthan India 15 December 2014