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ross's gull

  1. Ross's gull in flight

    Ross's gull in flight

  2. Ross's gull preening

    Ross's gull preening

  3. Ross's gull in flight

    Ross's gull in flight

  4. Ross's gull

    Ross's gull

  5. Ross's gull

    Ross's gull

  6. Ross's gull

    Ross's gull

  7. Ross's gull in flight

    Ross's gull in flight

    An exciting find.
  8. Ross's Gull Radipole Lakes

    Ross's Gull Radipole Lakes

    Finally got down to Dorset to try and see the Ross's. It made us sweat a bit, not being reported between 8:15 and 11:15 when it made it's usual visit to Radipole. Very smart little gull, with a hell of a gob on it for the size of its head
  9. Ross's Gull Radipole Lakes

    Ross's Gull Radipole Lakes

    Finally got down to Dorset to try and see the Ross's. It made us sweat a bit, not being reported between 8:15 and 11:15 when it made it's usual visit to Radipole. Very smart little gull, with a hell of a gob on it for the size of its head
  10. Ross's Gull, Kinsale. Co. Cork

    Ross's Gull, Kinsale. Co. Cork

    Couldn't resist posting another shot of the Ross's gull in Kinsale, Co. Cork yesterday.
  11. Ross's Gull, Kinsale. Co. Cork

    Ross's Gull, Kinsale. Co. Cork

    Lucky enough to catch up with the Ross's Gull in Kinsale, Co. Cork yesterday. Super little bird!
  12. Ross's Gull

    Ross's Gull

    Ross's Gull flying
  13. Ross's Gull

    Ross's Gull

    Ross's Gull in Lancashire, England
  14. Ross's Gull

    Ross's Gull

    Went for the Ross's Gull today and wasn't disappointed.Dispite the weather this morning the bird showed very well and I managed to get some decent shots despite a berk with two dogs walking straight past it as I was photographing it.
  15. Ross's Gull Lytham St Annes UK

    Ross's Gull Lytham St Annes UK

    Digiscoped with Zeiss 85 scope, 20 - 60 zoom eyepiece, Pentax K10D, Pentax 40mm Pancake Lens
  16. Ross' Gull

    Ross' Gull
