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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

sea ducks

  1. Drake Velvet Scoter

    Drake Velvet Scoter

  2. Steller's Eider

    Steller's Eider

    Steller's Eiders peeling out.
  3. Steller's Eider

    Steller's Eider

    Steller's Eiders, males and females resting on a melt water pond near Barrow, Alaska.
  4. Steller's Eider

    Steller's Eider

    Steller's Eiders cruising out of their feeding pond to greener pastures.
  5. Harlequin Duck

    Harlequin Duck

    Harlequin Ducks along the Dalton Highway, Alaska.
  6. Kingeiders


    Well this day was no birding as i took my car for Service and my self to the Barber shop :) but now the times get closer each day when the King Eiders start to show up close to the Harboursites and Coastline here So i just want to Share this Lovely Image of a Pair of Kingeiders Male and...
  7. King Eider

    King Eider

    This bird showed up on Bolivar peninsula, and was a hotline item. This was my first attempt at digiscoping.
  8. Harlequin Duck

    Harlequin Duck

    These birds were swimming fast and with the long shutter lag of the 995, I had to lead them so much they were not even in the frame when I fired the shot.
  9. Harlequin Duck

    Harlequin Duck

    These birds were swimming fast and with the long shutter lag of the 995, I had to lead them so much they were not even in the frame when I fired the shot.