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tidal flats

  1. Semiplamated Sandpiper....I am pretty sure?

    Semiplamated Sandpiper....I am pretty sure?

    When I took this image, I was quite sure it was a quite common Western Sandpiper, so I only took a couple of shots. Then when I got to the gallery, and was looking thru my pictures from that morning, , I realized, or least I think, that the bill is all wrong. Western's have a slightly longer...
  2. ** Correction to this posting see below***

    ** Correction to this posting see below***

    I have been in contact with eBird, and the consensus is that this small population of birds is in fact a Ridgway's Rail, have been split off from the Clapper with the 55th AOU supplement. I actually saw my first RIDGWAY'S Rail a couple of weeks ago in this same location, but only got a...
  3. Cruising along......Yellow-crowned Night Heron

    Cruising along......Yellow-crowned Night Heron

    Caught this night heron doing a nice slow (Read Easy to photograph) fly by as I was photographing herons on the tidal flat
  4. I just can't get enough of the Black Skimmers.

    I just can't get enough of the Black Skimmers.

    I literally have hundreds of images of the Skimmers now that I have found them....it is hard to pick what I keep and what I erase!
  5. A new lifer!!  Clapper Rail

    A new lifer!! Clapper Rail

    While this is not the best photo I have ever taken, it is my first of the Clapper Rail, so I will take it. The Tidal flats in La Paz, have just been amazing right now! As many different species and in great quantities as any location ever!
  6. Just testing the water first!! Great Egret

    Just testing the water first!! Great Egret

    Caught this Great Egret just as it was touching down...