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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

tundra bean-goose

  1. Tundra Bean-Goose

    Tundra Bean-Goose

    Very tame hanging out near but not associating with domestic geese and Canada Geese. First found by Jon Feenstra near Lancaster 6 March 2023 and remaining in the area at Apollo Park through 8 July 2023 where it became quite tame. Dan Singer and I looked unsuccessfully for it on 10 July but it...
  2. A rare visitor with a sad ending - Tundra Bean-goose

    A rare visitor with a sad ending - Tundra Bean-goose

    This bird spent about a month hanging around a golf course in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia this Fall and early Winter. It's one of very few records for eastern N.America. Birders came from far and wide to see it, including the guy who now holds the Big Year record. After a heavy snowstorm its remains...
  3. Tundra Bean-Goose

    Tundra Bean-Goose

    Conflicted on posting this one, but given that it's the fourth record for all of eastern North America, I've decided to share. This was found by others on Nov. 8. There is still a small possibility it's Taiga B-G, but it is definitely looking like Tundra. Here are some American Birding Assoc...