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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

village mandoti

  1. Delicate ... balance

    Delicate ... balance

    Life : Summer-time __________________ Summer ... will ... Bestow its rewards Almighty Time ... Shall ... only be ... a mute witness ... Begging ... for words ... and deeds That we Grant it _______________ Delicate Prinia ... with nest material Village Mandoti Jhajjar Haryana India...
  2. Posing ...

    Posing ...

    Generally ... a difficult subject ... ... but this one allowed some decent image ... ... on the barbed wire ... albeit ... There were quite a few of them engaged in nesting activity ... in August _________________ Zitting Cisticola Village Mandoti Jhajjar Haryana India 8 August 2023
  3. Delicate Prinia : nest material and call : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Delicate Prinia : nest material and call : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Some more nesting activity in August ... Amazingly beautiful little bundles of joyous song and delightful activity ... ... these denizens of reed clumps and tamarisk are attention grabbers ... Watch this fair beauty carrying nest material and calling in the swaying reed ...
  4. Serenading ...

    Serenading ...

    It was 8 August ... and many pairs were seen to be ... ... actively engaged in courtship ... calling ... singing and ... displaying Occupying top perches available in the vicinity ... as is their wont ... ____________________ Red-naped Ibis Village Mandoti Jhajjar Haryana India 8 August 2023
  5. Householder ...

    Householder ...

    ... in wilderness _____________________ House Sparrow ... female Village Mandoti Jhajjar Haryana India 8 August 2023
  6. Lakescape-949


    Two lovely species got together ... ... for this lucky shot ... Little Egret Green Sandpiper Village Mandoti Jhajjar India 8 August 2023
  7. Best time ...

    Best time ...

    Streaked Weavers ... were enjoying the best period of their life ... ... a male singing here ... _______________ Village Mandoti Jhajjar : Haryana India 8 August 2023