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Can someone identify this bird???? (1 Viewer)

Yes, this is a Green Heron. Perhaps its a bit more common to see them on a pond or lake edge than in a tree, but the reddish neck and greenish back make clear what bird it is. You can read about it here on bird forum (this link). Interestingly it's the American Birding Association's bird of the year (read here). Definitely a fun bird!

Welcome to the Bird Forum. I don't know if you are near the well known bog (Zimmer-Sax??). By the way, if you'd like help identifying birds, you might try the Bird ID subforum - people there more frequently.
.... Welcome to the Bird Forum. I don't know if you are near the well known bog (Zimmer-Sax??). By the way, if you'd like help identifying birds, you might try the Bird ID subforum - people there more frequently.

The well known bog referred to above is the Sax Zim Bog in Minnesota. It is visited by many birders. I have been there several times and always get some nice birds!

And "Huff" I would also like to welcome you to the BirdForum website. We are glad to have you aboard!
I just looked up the Sax Zim Bog that is about 3 hours from were I live. That looks like a place I need to go. Thanks for the information.
Sorry my Minnesota geography isn't better - I've lived there a few years, but still mostly know the south and Twin Cities. Lots of nice birding places around though, so you may find something closer that's quite interesting too.
That is ok Gretchen as far as your geographical knowledge. You were a big help identifying the bird. We found that she is a mother with at least 3 little one in the nest. It is very exciting to have her feel at home in the woods. The reason we think that she has at least 3 is that we see the egg shells below the nest, and at this point we are giving her the space she needs. I will have to check out that movie David thanks.
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