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First signs of Spring 2015 (1 Viewer)


Bah humbug
Don't think it has been done yet this year ... general wildlife and bird related springiness stuff (admittedly some like the butterflies aren't spring as such, just winter things that might happen when the sun is out).

But probably should have started it weeks ago.

First frogspawn seen today, first Goldcrest singing.

Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell at the weekend, first Violet in flower last week. A dozen or so birds' songs heard already (Might list them and a few dates perhaps later on).

...first Goldcrest singing.

Over the last few days, many species have been singing vigorously and competitively, but the surprise was to find over 100 Redwing singing in Holkham Hall grounds yesterday afternoon. They were perched in a bare tree, suppressing the normally dominant Fieldfares, which numbered about 20.
Went running yesterday afternoon - sidewalks still very snow-covered, and I saw almost no birds at all, but on the plus side, the House Finches were singing. They're exotics here, but I have to admit, they're very musical.
First Oystercatchers back in the fields of Strathspey this week, also Lapwings. Dipper courtship feeding this morning and first Chaffinch song a few days ago.
I have a small stream in my garden ( Herefordshire ) - I've noticed a Dipper active in the past week or so. Then yesterday I noticed him collecting large pieces of moss ( Assume nest building ) - not sure where the nest is but think it might be in a vertical bank beside the stream. This morning for the first time not just one Dipper but two together. Is this Spring !
Yesterday I spent time watching 2 wintering Common Sandpipers with the male displaying to the ree and 9 Chiffchaff's chasing each other and looking frisky. Great tits calling everywhere.
Horned Larks are already skirmishing over territory.
Small groups of Meadowlarks are drifting in, too distant to determine species.
Overwintering Trumpeter Swans have departed approximately 3 weeks earlier than average, over last 10 years.
Flocks of Snow Geese beginning to wind their way up the Mississippi river corridor,
and then turning up the Missouri river channel.
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Funnily, I had about 145.

Large numbers are passing through now.

For quite a few locals, I was a sign of spring myself.

The garrison troops here, some of whom go for runs in mid winter dressed in shorts and t-shirts are seen by the locals as totally mad:eek!: so anyone underdressed in winter is dismissed as "verrückter Engländer"
Yellow and Purple Crocus growing in the park yesterday

Saw some Daffs showing their buds today, and some trees budding

Had first Greenfinch doing it's rasping call, plus a flock of 9 Greenfinches, more than I've seen in the past 3 months! Singing Goldcrest too. Robins and Magpies nest building. Dippers, Treecreepers and Great Spotted Woodpeckers paired up on my local patch too :)
Reed Bunting singing today up at Stithians; of the 3 males present yesterday one was moving well towards sum plum.

(January - Blackcap in subsong, Bullfinch. Feb - Cirl Bunting, Dunnock etc additional to those mentioned on this thread already.)
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