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Bout run over this little guy mowin.....location is US. South Central kentucky


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It looks like a very young American Goldfinch. It's feathers are not fully developed, which is why it may not have been able to fly away. Glad to hear that you got to it before the lawn mower did :t:.
Ditto to newly fledged American Goldfinch. Park it off the ground in a bush as close as possible to where you found it, then the parents will return to feed it.
Ha..awesome!! That was my initial guess to my wife and little girl....I have feeders in yard....one is thistle just for them...we lovem....I have a busy area about 25 feet or so from tree he was under....that's where I put him. I thought it was the best I could do. Thanks guys...he/she was way cool to look at. Glad my 6 year old was here.
Also the only nest I could see in the tree was at the very top..around 25 feet....fairly bushy lookin....besides Robin nest that is...I had no way of checking it or getting it back in.
If you have any cats around, and if there is a low branch of the tree that you could hang an empty hanging plant basket lined with paper towels and put it in there that would work. But if no cats, I'd leave it where it is. Too much human intervention may scare the parent birds away.
Well I can't say they're aren't any cats around because I do see them patrol the fields around my house...I'm surrounded by farmland. That being said I am also a dog person and he isn't too keen on anything roaming in his yard....they keep they're distance :))..the bushy area is where I put the little guy...the tree in the background with the white bird house is where I found him.


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