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Wader, Akrotiri, Cyprus 08/08/2017 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United Kingdom
Can somebody please put me out of my misery and tell me what this wader is from Akrotiri today. It seemed larger than a little stint, more like dunlin size, but the bill and plumage seem wrong for what would surely be a juvenile if it was a dunlin. To me it looks more like an adult something. I guess that it is an adult little stint though, but it just seems odd. Thanks a lot in advance.


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Take your point, but Dunlin size? there is a big diff tween Dunlin and Stint as you know, this is a very recent pic of White Rumped, primaries barely extending beyond tail


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The wing-tip=tail tip as seen clearly in image 2. Note the bird has totally clean flanks which is not a feature of WRS. How are you judging size when it appears to be alone?

It's an Adult Little Stint.

It doesn't have the deep-bodied, front-heavy profile of WRS when feeding and it lacks the fine-tipped, evenly downcurved bill which is fairly typical of WRS so, adult Little Stint it is for me too.
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