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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

Media added by BryanP

Latest comments

  • Glossy ibis
    Brilliant Image & Setting Of These Beautiful Glossy Ibis, Well Done Tfs!!!!!!!!
    All The Best
    Sue & Simon,
  • Black Tern
    Superb Close Detailed Image, Lovely Work Well Done Tfs!!!!!!!
    All The Best
    Sue & Simon,
  • Killdeer, 1st yr bird
    What a charming portrait of this lovely youngster looking very relaxed, Stanley!
  • Common Shelduck
    Beautiful Image Of These Lovely Juveniles, Well Done TFs!!!!!!!!!!!
    All The Best
    Sue & Simon,
  • Mississippi Kite
    A first-rate flight capture of this very beautiful raptor, Stanley!
  • Red Saddlebags, Female
    A stunning dragonfly flight capture., Stanley!
  • Goldfinch
    Beautiful Image Of Your Colorful Visitor Graham, Lovely Work Well Done Tfs!!!!!!!!
    All The Best
    Sue & Simon,
  • In ...
    Great pose in this wonderful portrait, Alok & Renu!
  • Little rock thrush
    A marvellous portrait of this lovely Little Rock Thrush, Doux!
  • Black Tailed Godwits
    Beautiful Image Of These Smart Waders, Well Done Tfs!!!!!!!!!!
    All The Best
    Sue & Simon,


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