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St. Lucia - BirdForum Opus

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Photo by craftygirl
St. Lucia


St. Lucia is an island in the Lesser Antilles.


Notable Species

Endemics include the St. Lucia Oriole, St. Lucia Warbler, St. Lucia Parrot, St. Lucia Black Finch, and quite possibly St. Lucia Nightjar (by some seen as a subspecies of Rufous Nightjar), while Semper's Warbler most likely is extinct. Raffaele1 also lists the local form of the Lesser Antillean Pewee as a separate species, but that has not been followed by anyone else. St. Lucia shares White-breasted Thrasher and Gray Trembler with Martinique.



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  1. Raffaele et al. 1998. Birds of the West Indies. Christopher Helm, London. ISBN 0713649054

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