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Category:Indonesia - BirdForum Opus

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Samosir island and Lake Toba, 1974
Photo by Tiger1


Indonesia, known formally as the Republic of Indonesia, is an island nation composed of a total of 17,508 islands extending 5,150 km (3,200 miles) between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean occupying an area between Asia and Australia. It is one of 17 "Megadiversity Countries" that together contain 70% of the world’s biodiversity [2].

The country is made up of six major islands and approximately 30 smaller groups of islands. However, only around 6,000 of those islands are inhabited.

It is a country of many mountains, some of which are over 4,000 metres (13,123 feet). A significant percentage of them are active volcanoes. Some of the habitats here are tropical rainforests, jungles, and swampy mangrove areas [1].

Major Island Groups of Indonesia

Indonesia has 6 main island groups. [1]


Sumatra comprises 473,606 sq. km/182,860 sq miles in area.

Java / Madura

Java / Madura comprises 132,107sq. km (51,006 sq miles) in area.

West Java is the home of the Gede Pangrango National Park with all it has to offer.


Kalimantan with 539,460 sq. km (20,8286 sq miles) in area, makes up 2/3 of the island of Borneo.


Sulawesi is 189,216 sq. km (73,056 sq miles) in area. This is roughly two-thirds the size of New Zealand, a quarter the size of Texas or ten times the size of Wales.

Maluku Islands - Moluccas

The Moluccan islands are divided into two provinces, North Maluku and Maluku. As with Sulawesi (also to the east of Wallace's Line), the faunas are a mixture of south east Asian and Australasian elements although here the latter predominates.


The Western half of the island of New Guinea forms the Indonesian province of West Papua or Papua (Papua Barat).


  1. Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - https://www.embassyofindonesia.org/index.php/basic-facts/
  2. Johnson, T. R., Budiarjo, A., Halperin, J., Catharina, C., Rachmansah, A., Ridlo, M., H. Adyas, A.,and Indarjo, M. (2019) Indonesia Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Analysis (FAA 118 & 119). Report for Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS): 2021-2025. US AID Indonesia. Available from https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00W7RT.pdf

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External Links


  1. Indonesia on Google Maps

GSearch checked for 2020 platform.


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