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  1. Back again

    Back again

    Some of you may remember my September excitement to have a Magpie in the garden for the first time! Such a rarity round here. Well he returned again at the end of November, but that pesky twig spoilt what could have been some otherwise reasonable pictures.... it went right across his eye...
  2. At least I saw him!

    At least I saw him!

    A nice day and I wanted to go for a walk along the river...... but I couldn't get parked!! Following winter storms a few years ago, they're now repairing the footpath and road to some houses further along. All the machinery and vehicles belonging to the site engineers took up a good half of the...
  3. Obviously......


    ..... he quite liked my menu, for a week later he was back again. It would appear there was some more bacon fat on offer. It's not that I don't like fat, but I'm trying to lose weight and have to cut it off. Birds may as well enjoy it. TTTW
  4. He came back!

    He came back!

    .... and thought he'd try out my menu. Looks like he's found some bacon fat to feast on. Exciting days for me. TTTW
  5. A Garden First

    A Garden First

    I guessed it would happen sometime, but had no idea of course. Magpies are really very rare around here and I've only seen the odd one round about in the more open countryside. My first pictures of him are more suited to a quiz or SF, so was quite pleased to get this clearer image. He did...
  6. Sunda Honey Buzzard

    Sunda Honey Buzzard

    Ssp. torquatus tweeddale morph. Juvenile assuming adult plumage.
  7. Colourful Magpie

    Colourful Magpie

    I see these guys so rarely, I forget they're not really black and white!!! This angle picked up some rather pretty iridescence I thought. Taken on the banks of the canal.
  8. Dusk Magpie

    Dusk Magpie

    For the first time that visit a Magpie came and settled on the roof of the house below my brother's in the evening. Prior to that I'd only seen them along the canal. The light was all wrong of course, as that was the way the sun set, although it was rather cloudy.
  9. Mr Magpie

    Mr Magpie

    These are such rare birds in my part of Scotland, so it was nice to get so close to them on my holiday in Wales. .... sorry if you're over-run with them;)
  10. A Welsh Magpie

    A Welsh Magpie

    At the end of my walk, I met my brother and Glenys insisted we extend my excursion by going on a Magpie hunt. She didn't let me down, did she. The reason she was so keen, is that I don't see these at home, they're quite scarce in this part of Scotland. This is the same guy as in yesterday's...
  11. Saturday fun.....

    Saturday fun.....

    .... or Ummm... that looks a long way down A Magpie investigating the canal. He changed his mind about diving in. The strange thing is.... 10 minutes after posting this picture, I got my first ever one in the garden here at home. I've not even seen one in the town - they're quite rare birds in...
  12. Grey Wagtail closer

    Grey Wagtail closer

    ..... but chose to hide behind a weed!!!! And I couldn't move! And he had his back to me. Not fair, is it. The winner of yesterday's quiz was Graham (Macswede) - well done laddieB (: It was, indeed the Sandpiper.
  13. Grey Wagtail

    Grey Wagtail

    Another distant little bird in the middle of a river. Well it's actually the same river (the Usk) but a few miles upstream at a great birdwatching place called Llanvihangel Gobion. I've been there before, but this time accessed from a different place (the little village of The Bryn if anyone's...
  14. Common Sandpiper

    Common Sandpiper

    I never seem to get close views of these delightful little waders, but can't resist trying to get pictures of them. Our next outing (after yet another hospital stay!) was to Usk and the surrounding area. We started with a visit to a garden centre we'd been to before, where they have a feeding...
  15. Magpie


    A bit distant and through a gap in the trees so not brilliantly focused I'm afraid. However, it is a Year and Trip tick. They're such a rarity in my area would you believe. Think I may have got better views later on.
  16. Ailsa Craig

    Ailsa Craig

    A dusk view along Loch Ryan looking at the island of Ailsa Craig. This is an RSPB nature reserve and an important breeding ground for Gannets and Puffins. The mountains beyond are on the Isle of Arran. It is also where the granite for curling stones has traditionally come from. Taken at dusk...
  17. Gannet


    I saw this Gannet flying across, an awful long way down it seemed, so this was the best I could get of a Year Tick! Think that may be another Guillemot on the water. Doesn't life get complicated when you're visiting relatives LOL - I really will try and keep up, but I hope you'll forgive me if...
  18. View from the Horn

    View from the Horn

    As per the title. A rather nice view. I think the boat was showing visitors the breeding sea cliffs. The Guillemots from yesterday's picture were on the other side of this area, sort of behind me. I made blooming sure that my camera and bin straps were securely round my neck before trying to...
  19. Common Guillemot

    Common Guillemot

    Looking over the wall at the horn, was this huddle of Guillemots clinging to the cliff rocks. Well, got started on my holiday, then became unwell. Rest of trip is very sadly off. I'm staying with family in Wales for now, and will try and log on when I can.
  20. Guillemot and Shag

    Guillemot and Shag

    Peering down over the wall at the fog horn, I found these Shags. I didn't realise there were Guillemots there too, as they mostly had their backs to me, but in a couple of images they gave me a side on view. I made sure I had a good grip of my camera, with strap around my neck;) Off on holiday...
  21. Common Guillemot

    Common Guillemot

    Taking a deep breath and peering over the cliff edge, I spotted this little raft of Guillemots a few hundred feet below. A year tick obviously, I'd not seen any since my previous summer holiday.
  22. Wood Sandpiper.....

    Wood Sandpiper.....

    ...... or Not Saturday Fun....... .......or Making fun of myself This picture just teaches me that I should look more carefully through ALL my images before deciding which one to post. I'd rather forgotten that he made two appearances and if had remembered that...... oh well here it is now.
  23. Common Eider

    Common Eider

    We then decided to take a trip round the headland and back the other side, hoping to find somewhere for dinner at Portpatrick. We'd only got less than mile from the cottage door, when I spotted this. So jammed on the brakes and hopped out the car. He seemed to be all on his own with no female...
  24. Wood Sandpiper

    Wood Sandpiper

    Just about 3 years to the day since I got my Lifer. On the same island of bog bean but a little bit more visible. I could see him clearly through the scope, but had to find the oyc in my viewfinder and move a little left to try and get a picture of him LOL. Tricky little blighters aren't...
  25. Marsh Harier 3 - Escape

    Marsh Harier 3 - Escape

    The Coot obviously thought the harrier was a bit too close for comfort. He wasn't visible in earlier pictures, so obviously well into the reeds. Wonder if there's a nest in there. I think it's a Coot though it may be a Moorhen however I can't see any white in this poor back view image of it.