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  1. Crested Pigeon

    Crested Pigeon

  2. Little Pied Cormorant

    Little Pied Cormorant

  3. Crested Pigeon

    Crested Pigeon

  4. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

  5. Square-tailed Kite

    Square-tailed Kite

    The Square-tailed Kites are nesting in our local park as usual.
  6. Square-tailed Kite (imm)

    Square-tailed Kite (imm)

    We must get back soon to see if they are breeding again near us.
  7. Laughing Kookaburra

    Laughing Kookaburra

  8. Welcome Swallow

    Welcome Swallow

  9. Nearly missed

    Nearly missed

    We were just about to drive on, which I spotted something below the car. Hopped out and managed to get this Black-fronted Dotterel. Rather an awkward angle as it was through a fence and right down below LOL
  10. Three of a different kind

    Three of a different kind

    All ducks but all in a different Genus,.... how's that then: Maned Duck, Hardhead, Pink-eared Duck LOL Just managed to get all these in the frame. What a nightmare of a day today... Lost my wallet, then lost my purse after using it for shopping! So no money, no cards!! Spent ages trying to...
  11. Lonely


    After Laratinga we set off up into the Adelaide Hills and stopped in a lovely cafe for lunch. It was run by friends of Peter and Adelaide... real good food there!! We then set off on an exploration of the hills. We stopped at a roadside lake and there on a rather distant shore line was a pair...
  12. Black and white with a splash of yellow

    Black and white with a splash of yellow

    So we come to the final bird at Laratinga, a New Holland Honeyeater, another new bird for me. Then Peter and Adrienne dragged me away from that wonderful place. We were now off up into the hills.
  13. Sore knees?

    Sore knees?

    This seems to be the only image I got of this Red-kneed Dotterel (do you think their knees are sore LOL). Nearing the end of this visit to Laratinga sadly... just one more species to show you.
  14. Not a Lifer

    Not a Lifer

    Wandering back along the path I found a bird I wasn't sure about, so posted it on the forum for identification. Of course a female Eurasian Blackbird, which I just wasn't expecting LOL. Quite a few species of European origin had been introduced to Australia (and New Zealand of course) but I...
  15. Bandit?


    Arriving at yet another lake, we found this one had an island in the middle and between two ducks was a Southern Masked Lapwing. Pain pills are a right pain!! Seem to spend more time sleeping than anything else!!!
  16. Acrobatic


    Another Musk Lorikeet was showing off his feeding antics.
  17. They're real beauties

    They're real beauties

    I was really pleased to get this picture of the Superb Fairywren in such a natural setting. Beauties, aren't they.
  18. How to Dive

    How to Dive

    I know I showed you a Hoary-headed Grebe the other day, but this is a different bird, and I (accidentally) caught him in diving mode LOL. Thought it was interesting to show their action.
  19. Keeping a low profile

    Keeping a low profile

    In amongst the reeds we found a fledgling Welcome Swallow, obviously waiting for his next meal. I think this was the youngest one I'd seen.
  20. Pretty


    Well I do think White-plumed Honeyeaters are pretty. I'd seen plenty of them in Queensland, and now here was another showing off to me in Adelaide. What a couple of days... loo wouldn't work, now the plumber is waiting for a part to fix it! Then yesterday my keyboard wouldn't work, so had to...
  21. Southern


    There's two subspecies of Masked Lapwing, this is the Southern Masked Lapwing which may, eventually get split. That'd be good, as I'd get an armchair split then LOL
  22. Cheeky face

    Cheeky face

    Within minutes Peter found a new Lifer for me. A Musk Lorikeet busily feeding up in the trees. So busy in fact it was hard to get a picture of him, with at least his distinctive head on show LOL. Here, it seems he might just have heard us and popped his head up to see who was talking about him!!!
  23. Spotty


    Then Peter and Adrienne Spotted another new bird for me in this Freckled Duck. A species I'd hardly been aware of before. Quite handsome really, isn't he.
  24. Resting?


    Walking along a path, there was a gap in the trees and I could see a black blob in the long grass on the other side of a ditch, which turned out to be an Australasian Swamphen. I'm not sure if it was just having a rest or was brooding some eggs.
  25. Reflection


    The next bird to come into view was a Dusky Moorhen, trying to make sure I'd not forgotten them.... it was about 2 weeks since I'd last seen one. I think the pale strip down the neck must come from a reflection from the water, as they're supposed to be all black.