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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

anas rubripes

  1. American Black Duck

    American Black Duck

    The paler head contrasting with the overall dark body and crown help distinguish this species from the more cosmopolitan Mallard. This is an adult male despite its female-like plumage. Formerly common and ubiquitous in the Northeast where I grew up, they now seem to be relatively scarce and...
  2. American Black Duck

    American Black Duck

    These ducks are fed regularly at a local nature conservation area. I don't know if I agree with that, but it makes for great pictures.
  3. American Black Duck

    American Black Duck

    This was the only non-mallard in this pond.
  4. American Black Duck.jpg

    American Black Duck.jpg

    Observed on the opposite side of a waterway
  5. The creek was still flowing

    The creek was still flowing

    which is unusual for California's central valley at the end of summer. That makes Putah Creek a refreshing, relatively cool, shady spot, which lots of people enjoy visiting. And for those who actually do like the valley heat, some of the picnic areas are in more open, grassy areas up on the bank...
  6. American Black Duck

    American Black Duck

    Spotted at Mammoth Spring State Park
  7. American Black Duck male

    American Black Duck male

  8. American Black Duck

    American Black Duck

  9. Bottoms Up !

    Bottoms Up !

    The male is on the left (with the hot orange legs and feet, lol).
  10. Just gliding along with the flow=

    Just gliding along with the flow=

    American Black Duck(Female)
  11. American Black Duck

    American Black Duck

    Just kind of came upon these little guys in a narrow piece of water. Their mum was off to the left. They weren't stressed. This photo is being used by my local natural history group for our 2013 calendar.
  12. Blue On Black

    Blue On Black

    Gotta love the royal blue.
  13. American Black Duck

    American Black Duck

    Cross-breeding with Mallards is lessening their numbers saddly.
  14. American Black Duck

    American Black Duck

  15. Testing a new used lense

    Testing a new used lense

    This was taken with a Sigma 400mm AF non apo. The ducks were at more of a side angle to the sun. This image contained virtually no red/cyan fringing. This was a hand held shot. I feel the sharpness is good.
  16. Testing a new used lense.

    Testing a new used lense.

    This was taken with a Sigma 400mm AF non apo. With the sun behind the subject there is considerable red/cyan fringing. This was a hand held shot. I feel the sharpness is good.