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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

anser indicus

  1. Quixotic ...

    Quixotic ...

    ... demons the power pylons ... lurking in the background ... ___________________ Bar-headed Goose Nazafgarh wetland and marshes Delhi-Gurugram Border India
  2. Bar-headed Goose : group inflight : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Bar-headed Goose : group inflight : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Among the highest fliers in the world ... ... watching them fly by in a group is truly mesmerizing ... Captured in the wetland that disappearing very fast ... under severe pressure from the Real State Developer lobby ... _____________ Nazafgarh Wetland and Marshes Delhi-Gurgaon Border India
  3. Lakescape-1K58


    Two large varieties of geese ... grazing together in a field close to the wetland and marshes ... This image was taken on 22 February 2024 ... ... when we went to check again on 12 March ... The Greylags had already left ... Bar-headed, though will stay here till mid to late April...
  4. Lakescape-1K45


    Life : Dream of a Dream ______________ I dream ... of A dream ... Nights ... Merge with ... Days Passing through A seamless ploy Spokes of Endless wheel ... ... That moves Yet It moves not Moments ... Fixed ... and Permanent Part of In-destructible Essence ... Percolating Transcending...
  5. Lakescape-1K24 : Bar-headed Goose :  group flying into Sun : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Lakescape-1K24 : Bar-headed Goose : group flying into Sun : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Watch ... ... A group Of Bar-headed Fly into Sun ... Through it And ... back A journey ... ... A Metamorphosis From mundane ... To Meditation ... ______________ Bar-headed Goose ... group in flight ( Anser indicus ) Gurgaon Rural Haryana India
  6. Lakescape-1K13


    The lake ... ... and the lake aerial There is a raptor ... ... Marsh Harrier at the top ... ... then there is a gang of Godwits ... below them is the mixed group of ducks and teals ... six species ... all these are part of the lake aerial ... whereas the Bar-headed and Greylag Goose...
  7. Bar-headed goose

    Bar-headed goose

    Wiki, "The bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) is a goose that breeds in Central Asia in colonies of thousands near mountain lakes and winters in South Asia, as far south as peninsular India. It lays three to eight eggs at a time in a ground nest. It is known for the extreme altitudes it reaches...
  8. Lakescape-974


    KNP provides good grazing opportunities for the lovely ... high flying migratory beauties ____________________ Bar-headed Goose Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur Rajasthan India
  9. Lakescape-867


    It was a lovely winter morning ... lazy was the wind ... with thin mist hanging around ... this stray waterbody in the agrarian hinterland was agog with migratory species ... and more arriving ... ___________ Greylag Goose Bar-headed Goose Eurasian Spoonbill Black-headed Ibis Common Teal...
  10. Bright ... and hopeful

    Bright ... and hopeful

    Into 2023 ... ... with lots of hope ... and positivity ... ______________ Baland/ Dighal Jhajjar : Haryana India 23.12.2022
  11. Lakescape-831


    The lovely morning light ...
  12. Lakescape-826


    A truly beautiful winter morning ... _____________ Dighal/ Baland Jhajjar India 13.12.2022
  13. Lesser White fronted Goose : Extreme rarity : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Lesser White fronted Goose : Extreme rarity : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Sighting of this Globally Threatened Goose is very rare in North India ... ... sometimes in decades ... There was only one individual among hundreds of waterfowl present in that waterbody ... ____________ Bar-headed Goose and Common Teal were crowding around the star visitor ... ...
  14. Lakescape-823


    A far away group ... The Lesser White-fronted Goose is a rarity in our area ... skipping not merely years ... but decades occasionally ... There was only one individual among hundreds of waterfowl present in that waterbody ... __________ Bar-headed Goose and Common Teal were crowding...
  15. Lakescape-822 : Cranes in my backyard : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakescape-822 : Cranes in my backyard : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    3.4K views, 40 likes, 2 loves, 7 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Alok Tewari: Climate Change ... and Bird Migration In the current scenario of Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction ... it is always fraught with danger to talk about future ... ... but future of a lot of...
  16. Lakescape-812


  17. Bar-headed goose (Anser indicus)

    Bar-headed goose (Anser indicus)

    Bar-headed goose (Anser indicus), a ride to my lake, a day's escape.
  18. Lakescape - 714

    Lakescape - 714

    Life - Imprint ___________ Peace ... ... Quiet Balance ... ... and Benevolence Evening descends ... into chamber of quietude ... Leaving behind gracious imprints ... ___________ Bar-headed Goose Nazafgarh Marshses and Wetlands
  19. Lakescape - 665

    Lakescape - 665

    Lakescape - 665 League ... ... of biggies _______ Anser anser Anser indicus Gurgaon India 13 January 2015
  20. Lakescape - 663

    Lakescape - 663

    Lakescape - 663 Quintessential ... ... Keoladeo Bharatpur Species seen are ... Bar-headed Goose Knob-billed Duck Ruddy Shelduck Sarus Crane 16 December 2014
  21. Ogling ...

    Ogling ...

    Ogling ... Bar-headed ... looking admiringly ... ... at Those magnificent drakes ... ... almost ogling ... ___________ Bar-headed Goose Red-crested Pochard Gurgaon Haryana India 13 January 2015
  22. Bar-headed Goose

    Bar-headed Goose

    From archives. Image re-sized, cropped, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened. Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts.
  23. SF  You look different!!     Bar-headed goose

    SF You look different!! Bar-headed goose

    Like the way Canada looks at India
  24. 7-Oie à tête barrée Anser indicus Bar-headed Goose- 27 mai 2014.jpg

    7-Oie à tête barrée Anser indicus Bar-headed Goose- 27 mai 2014.jpg

    Oie à tête barrée - Anser indicus - Bar-headed Goose
  25. Bar-headed Goose

    Bar-headed Goose
