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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. The golden birdwing

    The golden birdwing

    Hope my ID is correct. Interesting infos @ https://thaibutterflies.com/Butterflies/troides-aeacus/
  2. Oriental Magpie-Robin

    Oriental Magpie-Robin

    Male bird.
  3. Brown-throated Sunbird

    Brown-throated Sunbird

    Female with nesting material.
  4. Brown-throated Sunbird

    Brown-throated Sunbird

    The male.
  5. Small Minivet

    Small Minivet

    Bad weather blues.
  6. Siamese Pied Starling

    Siamese Pied Starling

    This Siamese Pied Starling was photographed at Lumpini Park in Bangkok in February 2023, when I visited for some work and birding. It is also known as the Siamese Pied Myna and recently split.
  7. Asian Openbill

    Asian Openbill

    With a water snail.
  8. Asian Barred Owl.

    Asian Barred Owl.

  9. Common myna

    Common myna

    My first species after my arrival.
  10. Pied fantail

    Pied fantail

    A wooden walkway at low tide. Built through the mangroves to help the locals to reach their catches.
  11. Pink-necked green pigeon

    Pink-necked green pigeon

    Berries makes them happy.
  12. Small Minivet

    Small Minivet

    A joy to visit parks in BKK.
  13. Scarlet-backed flowerpecker

    Scarlet-backed flowerpecker

    168 observed species (eBird) in Suan Luang Rama IX. At least one park is a must-see for every birder entering Thailand through Bangkok.
  14. Asian brown flycatcher

    Asian brown flycatcher

    With a delicious caterpillar.
  15. Yellow bittern

    Yellow bittern

    I stood behind a palm tree and captured this bittern with a snack through a hole in the fence at sunrise.
  16. Streak-eared bulbul

    Streak-eared bulbul

    Excursions during the day, around my accommodation in the afternoon.
  17. Indochinese roller

    Indochinese roller

    Spent a few hours in the park before my return flight to Germany. Some last carefree hours, compared to what has happened until today and it is not over yet.
  18. Pied Fantail

    Pied Fantail

    A lovely species.
  19. Spotted dove

    Spotted dove

    The parks in Bangkok are fantastic for bird photographers.
  20. Black-naped Oriole

    Black-naped Oriole

    One of many beautiful species there.
  21. Sunrise


    View of the sea at Bangpu Recreation Center.
  22. Common kingfisher

    Common kingfisher

    Not easy to approach. Captured trough a hole in the fence.
  23. Indochinese roller

    Indochinese roller

    Not very shy. I had already heard about the virus in 02/2020 but my idea of it was far away from what keeps us under control for almost two years now.
  24. Coppersmith Barbet

    Coppersmith Barbet

    You are the first to see this picture 😊😍.
  25. Small Minivet

    Small Minivet

    One colourful bird of this park.