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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Least Sandpiper breeding plumage

    Least Sandpiper breeding plumage

    These birds do not breed here but this is an early return migrant. Unfortunately, it was in strong back light, so not what could have been achieved if the light had been behind me.
  2. Black Swift

    Black Swift

    Black swift does not breed in Barbados but they are occasional visitors. This was first time I caught up with one here.
  3. Audouin's Gull

    Audouin's Gull

    A second calendar year bird which was discovered Thursday but I did not see it until today. According to ebird, the first observation for the Caribbean (they have been in Trinidad before). Note the dark bar at the end of secondaries indicating it is a second calendar year bird
  4. Black-bellied Whistling Duck

    Black-bellied Whistling Duck

    I think I counted 44 of these and might still have missed some. This image was taken during light rain
  5. Fulvous Whistling Duck

    Fulvous Whistling Duck

    One bird, presumably the same one, have been present on the island for a couple of years. This image taken in light rain.
  6. Roseate Tern

    Roseate Tern

    Two of these were flying back and forth along the coast yesterday.
  7. A heron and an egret.jpg

    A heron and an egret.jpg

    Nearer bird is a snowy egret and more distant is a little blue heron immature.
  8. Snowy Egret

    Snowy Egret

    Shorter neck plumes than the hybrids from the same date
  9. Hybrids Little x Snowy Egret

    Hybrids Little x Snowy Egret

    The right hand bird is very clearly one of these, with both long and intermediate filaments at the neck. The next one also seems to be one, except less certain. The left hand bird only is included because behavior made me think these were members of the same litter.
  10. Least Sandpiper

    Least Sandpiper

    A slightly older photo
  11. Black-faced Grassquit

    Black-faced Grassquit

    The greenish color on the rear underside could easily be a result of reflections from the vegetation.
  12. Viewing platform occupied.jpg

    Viewing platform occupied.jpg

    On a local pond they are erecting this structure which I assume is going to be a viewing platform. As construction is still ongoing, people are not supposed to get on yet. However, this great egret did not get the message :-)
  13. White-tailed Hawk immature

    White-tailed Hawk immature

    This was the closest I got to this hawk today. It is clearly not an adult bird, only the two central tail feathers have been molted.
  14. Diving hawk composite.jpg

    Diving hawk composite.jpg

    The last four are consecutive frames, while there is a little larger gap between no 1 and 2. I eventually lost track of the bird, when it was re-found shortly after, it was sitting on a pole ripping something apart. This is a rare bird for the Caribbean (north of T&T), first for Barbados and...
  15. Ruff feeding

    Ruff feeding

    Ruff is considered a rare bird in Barbados where this is from.
  16. Hungry Heron

    Hungry Heron

    This Green Heron had good success with his hunting
  17. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  18. Least Sandpiper

    Least Sandpiper

    One of the first birds I saw when stopping the car at this site.
  19. Eurasian Collared Dove

    Eurasian Collared Dove

    Drinking at the edge of the (freshwater) pond
  20. Scaly-naped Pigeon

    Scaly-naped Pigeon

    At the edge of a pond, probably wanting to drink as it is a dry period.
  21. Feeding Wilson's Phalarope

    Feeding Wilson's Phalarope

    Seemingly first time a bird has visited Barbados during spring.
  22. Ruff


    Presumably a male is the local consensus. This bird and two female (who usually occur together) have been touring our island during the last two weeks - and we are on the "wrong" side of the Atlantic!
  23. Least Sandpiper

    Least Sandpiper

    This looks like a bird in active moult
  24. Western Sandpiper eating

    Western Sandpiper eating

  25. Western Sandpiper

    Western Sandpiper

    This is a bird with long enough bill that it cannot be a semipalmated :)