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barred warbler

  1. Barred warbler

    Barred warbler

    usually i except them by mid September, was sad when i did not see them, thought i miss them on this migration, but this one appeared before two days. this was very early in the morning, so very noisy image, got it cleaned up by Topaz denoise AI. hope you like it.
  2. always on time

    always on time

    some years they show on the 11th, can't be 100% sure this is there first day in the garden, but really hope they stay for a while. hope you like it.
  3. Barred warbler

    Barred warbler

    this one is just like a ghost, they just appear unlike the noisy blackcaps. hope you like it.


    A compilation of Barred warbler heads based on video I took in Greece few years ago. Barred warblers are the biggest of their family in Europe are not colouful birds, but they are very melodious and definitely belong to my favorites.
  5. Barred Warbler and Red-backed Shrike

    Barred Warbler and Red-backed Shrike

  6. Barred Warbler

    Barred Warbler

    Tried a few times for this scarce visitor managed to get something including the beedy eyen
  7. Barred Warbler

    Barred Warbler

    Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria
  8. the sunbird feeder

    the sunbird feeder

    usually i put honey and water in this little glass cup for the sunbirds, today this warbler did not allow them to come. well he is a visitor the sunbirds have to be hospitable. hope you like it.
  9. Barred warbler

    Barred warbler

    they look cute when they pass at this time of the year. i made them addict to mangoes. hope you like it.
  10. Barred Warbler - Kessingland

    Barred Warbler - Kessingland

    Caught up with the uncommonly showy Barred Warbler at Kessingland over the weekend
  11. Bunny warbler, SF

    Bunny warbler, SF

    hope you like it.
  12. Barred warbler

    Barred warbler

    they will be much darker when return in Spring migration, hope it will be as friendly as this one. hope you like it.
  13. barred warbler

    barred warbler

    such a cute little one. but did not stay for more than one day, unlike last April. thanks for viewing.
  14. Barred Warbler

    Barred Warbler

  15. Barred warbler

    Barred warbler

  16. Barred Warbler

    Barred Warbler

  17. Woody sylvia

    Woody sylvia

    OK i think i am over doing it with these warblers, but what can i do i adore them. here is the evil boy with a woodpecker attitude. this is taken in the wetland region, but i have a couple in my garden. Hope you like it.
  18. the evil Sylvia

    the evil Sylvia

    my secret with them is a sweet cold slice of pears. hope you like it. thanks so much.
  19. Barred Warbler

    Barred Warbler

    Long staying Barred Warbler at Thorpeness Old Caravan site, cannot believe it's still there !!
  20. Barred Sylvia

    Barred Sylvia

    had a great week with those who arrived in the past days. they make there presence known with the harsh and loud calls they make. Hope you like it.
  21. yummy


    1st wintering barred warbler looks very much like garden warbler, but a bit larger with the spotty vent. that one and the garden, WT and LWT loved the apricot and plums i put for them. Hope you like.
  22. Barred Warbler

    Barred Warbler

    This bird was staying for a couple of days near the entrance of a large container terminal at the Maasvlakte.
  23. Barred warbler singing

    Barred warbler singing

    This is a video grab, captured during a visit to the National park of Prespa in Northern Greece last week. For everyone who might be interested here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE47lHhC-sg
  24. Lady Barred

    Lady Barred

    after 20 mints of thinking she decided that a drink of water is worth taking the risk of coming out in the open in front of me. first time i see a female, hope it is right and not a 1st wintering male, but those are much less barred. Hope you like it.
  25. Barred Sylvia

    Barred Sylvia

    it seem that many of them came this migration season, or this one is around since two weeks. got two hours before work on Tuesday, heard this one first then i started to see it, it looks a bit nervous from me around, usually i am away this time, finally he decided to come and collect the...