• Welcome to BirdForum, the internet's largest birding community with thousands of members from all over the world. The forums are dedicated to wild birds, birding, binoculars and equipment and all that goes with it.

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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Glittering-bellied Emerald

    Glittering-bellied Emerald

  2. Sapphire-spangled Emerald

    Sapphire-spangled Emerald

  3. Blue-winged Macaw

    Blue-winged Macaw

  4. Blue-winged Macaw

    Blue-winged Macaw

  5. Blue-winged Macaw

    Blue-winged Macaw

  6. Black-capped Antwren

    Black-capped Antwren

  7. Narrow-billed Antwren

    Narrow-billed Antwren

  8. Slender Antbird

    Slender Antbird

  9. American Kestrel

    American Kestrel

  10. Blue-winged Parrotlet

    Blue-winged Parrotlet

  11. Sapphire-spangled Emerald

    Sapphire-spangled Emerald

    Picture taken last weekend in SE Brazil (May 2021), with best regards to all friends from Bird Forum :)
  12. Dubois's Seedeater

    Dubois's Seedeater

  13. White-bellied Seedeater

    White-bellied Seedeater

  14. Squirrel Cuckoo

    Squirrel Cuckoo

  15. Yellow-chinned Spinetail

    Yellow-chinned Spinetail

  16. Smooth-billed Ani

    Smooth-billed Ani

  17. Wing-banded Hornero

    Wing-banded Hornero

  18. Rufous-fronted Thornbird

    Rufous-fronted Thornbird

  19. Hooded Tanager

    Hooded Tanager

  20. Hooded Tanager

    Hooded Tanager

  21. Variable Oriole

    Variable Oriole

    Picture taken May 2021 in SE Brazil. Kind regards to all friends at BirdForum.
  22. Striated Softtail

    Striated Softtail

  23. Black-goggled Tanager

    Black-goggled Tanager

  24. Yellow-lored Tody-Flycatcher

    Yellow-lored Tody-Flycatcher

  25. Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

    Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
