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brown goshawk

  1. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk
  2. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk
  3. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    We had a surprise but very welcome visit from a Brown Goshawk, even though all the other birds disappeared!! My first indication that something was happening was when Hans suddenly became very alert and excited. He was desperately trying to indicate to us (he was far enough away not to be able...
  4. Brown Goshawk and Pied Currawong

    Brown Goshawk and Pied Currawong

    Brown Goshawk being hassled by a Pied Currawong
  5. No fun!

    No fun!

    Thought I should share the continuing saga ………………..I was standing under the carport thinking of going to get the mail when this Brown Goshawk flew between the tank and the house and landed in the tree near the shed. I thought that it might stay there so went and got the camera, took a shot from...
  6. Not what I was expecting!

    Not what I was expecting!

    Suddenly Hans could hardly contain his excitement, and alerted us to a Brown Goshawk coming in. He settled not far from me and stayed for a few minutes. What a lovely bird this one is and, obviously, a Lifer for me too. Needless to say all the small birds we'd been watching had disappeared!
  7. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    Three lifers today, although not all great photos. First up, a Brown Goshawk - a bit distant, very watchful, and I didn't get the exposure adjusted well enough for the bright sky before he took off.
  8. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    Taken on another dull day .
  9. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    Sat nicely on this branch for a photo.
  10. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    A quick post and run as I am busy tracking my son who has about 10 miles left to run in the Apocalypse 100. A 100 mile race set in the Shropshire Hills UK
  11. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    One last view of the Brown Goshawk that was being harassed by the Willy Wagtail.
  12. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    It is very difficult to tell the difference between the Collared Sparrowhawk and the Brown Goshawk. I've now been convinced that is a Goshawk - the flesh of the middle toe does not extend beyond the tip of the claw next to it.
  13. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    ID changed from Collared Sparrowhawk to Brown Goshawk, based on length of middle toe.
  14. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    I am pretty sure this is a Brown Goshawk?
  15. I may be flying but I'm watching you

    I may be flying but I'm watching you

    Brown goshawk
  16. 'Do you mind!'

    'Do you mind!'

    Hi all, just had to share this with you. My last visit was before Christmas and have been working very hard so no time to comment on all the uploads, thanks for sharing everyone! I was doing a survey for the Shire at the local forest, the Brown Goshawks got very vocal when I arrived to check to...
  17. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    This bird of prey set itself up nicely for me!
  18. Brown Goshawk in Flight.

    Brown Goshawk in Flight.

    Had a look around a grazier's paddock,was pleased to see this Brown Goshawk flying around and managed a few photos.
  19. Brown Goshawk -retouched

    Brown Goshawk -retouched

    Already posted but tried to brighten it up a little with a bit of colour as advised by Hans & Judy. Hmmn. I actually added some noise to it to get it to look natural. Hmmn.
  20. Brown Goshawk

    Brown Goshawk

    Bad exposure. In a dark cloud so I had to lighten it up.
  21. Brown Goshawk (immature)

    Brown Goshawk (immature)

    I just heading out the door to do some birding, camera in hand, and saw this handsome young girl in the gum tree in my backyard.
  22. 'No Luck!....

    'No Luck!....

    When I was going to the forest (8am) for my second day of the 'parrot' survey I saw some White-winged Choughs fly up into trees over the road with this brown bird in hot pursuit!....Stopped the car quickly but couldn't see the bird for the branches, continued on to the south gate of the property...
  23. Brown Goshawk ?

    Brown Goshawk ?

    The first resonable photo I have taken of this hawk that regulary patrols my area. from this and a couple of others leads me to believe it's a Brown Goshawk
  24. Brown goshawk

    Brown goshawk

    I work at a large secondary college , yesterday we found a small goshawk at the base of a tree with a large abcess on its face . We captured it and send it to a vet for treatment and eventual release into the wild. I noticed the mother was in a nearby tree taking an interest in the young bird...
  25. Immature Brown Goshawk

    Immature Brown Goshawk

    I was targetting white throated grasswren but none showed up I suspect the reason was this young fellow was also targetting them.