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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

buteo buteo

  1. Buzzard


    Probably the closest I've managed to get to a buzzard
  2. Common Buzzard

    Common Buzzard

    One of several birds seen soaring in the sun
  3. buzzard


  4. electric buzzard

    electric buzzard

  5. buzzard


  6. common buzzard

    common buzzard

  7. Common buzzard

    Common buzzard

    Behavioural display but the buzzard did not feed on the dead pigeon.
  8. Benz for the Buzzard

    Benz for the Buzzard

    Common Buzzard
  9. Common Buzzard on carcass (Buteo buteo)

    Common Buzzard on carcass (Buteo buteo)

    1 January 2017, practically all the shots of the Buzzard on the carcass - Buzzard feeding, the most common of the diurnal birds of prey in Italy. The indecisions and jumps in the video are determined by the need to also take photos during its feeding
  10. common buzzard

    common buzzard

  11. Common buzzard

    Common buzzard

    On my way back yesterday afternoon.
  12. common buzzard

    common buzzard

  13. Common Buzzard

    Common Buzzard

  14. common buzzard

    common buzzard

  15. common buzzard

    common buzzard

  16. common buzzard

    common buzzard

  17. Common Buzzard    Light morph

    Common Buzzard Light morph

  18. Common Buzzard

    Common Buzzard

  19. Common Buzzard

    Common Buzzard

  20. Common Buzzard

    Common Buzzard

  21. common buzzard

    common buzzard

  22. Common buzzard

    Common buzzard

  23. Buzzard and wind (Buteo buteo)

    Buzzard and wind (Buteo buteo)

    Buzzard (Buteo buteo) plucking a magpie, on a perch and with strong wind.
  24. Buzzard in the woods (Buteo buteo)

    Buzzard in the woods (Buteo buteo)

    A Buzzard (Buteo buteo) in the woods, intent on observing the work I do, and then come and browse
  25. Look back in anger.jpg

    Look back in anger.jpg

    This Buzzard flew to the back fence this morning, while we were both watching, it appeared to be chasing a smaller bird and gave up. The sat on the fence long enough for me to get the camera and grab several shots, wonderful