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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. spotted redshank

    spotted redshank

  2. common greenshank

    common greenshank

  3. pied avocet

    pied avocet

  4. ruff


  5. green sandpiper

    green sandpiper

  6. black-winged stilt

    black-winged stilt

  7. lapwing


  8. little bittern (male)

    little bittern (male)

    This little guy crossed the road just in front of the car. It landed in a small patch of reed on the side of the road and stayed there for several minutes. We mutually observed each other (I'm sure if he would have had a camera he would have taken pictures of me lol). Photo taken from the car.
  9. common moorhen (juvenile)

    common moorhen (juvenile)

  10. European bee-eater

    European bee-eater

  11. eurasian coot

    eurasian coot

  12. kingfisher


  13. long-tailed tit

    long-tailed tit

  14. little bittern (female)

    little bittern (female)

  15. purple heron

    purple heron

  16. Squacco heron

    Squacco heron

  17. water rail

    water rail

  18. juvenile nightingale

    juvenile nightingale

  19. squacco heron

    squacco heron

  20. hobby


  21. water rail (juvenile)

    water rail (juvenile)

  22. cattle egret

    cattle egret

  23. fox


  24. common tern

    common tern

  25. Purple heron

    Purple heron

    swallowing its catch